# include & ltstdio.h & gt
# include & ltstring.h & gt
//Determine whether your computer is large or small.
int is_little(){
Joint test {
int num
Character string;
} t;
t . num = 1;
return t . str = = 1;
int main(){
Char* str= "Your string"; //Your string
Short tmp [100]; //Your array
int I;
for(I = 0; I< strlen (str)/2; i++){
/* The small end must be adjusted manually.
Can be replaced by
char a = *(str+I * 2);
char b = *(str+I * 2+ 1);
tmp[I]= a * 256+b;
int org =(*(int *)(str+I * 2))& lt; & lt 16 >& gt 16;
int a = org & lt& lt24 >; & gt24;
int b = org & gt& gt8;
tmp[I]= a * 256+b;
} Otherwise {
tmp[I]= *(int *)(str+I * 2)& gt; & gt 16;
printf("%d ",tmp[I]);
printf(" \ n ");
Returns 0;