C++ function prototype
Typedef structure
Unsigned long device type;
Int handle;
int NumberOfClients
Int serial number;
int MaxAllowedClients
} NeoDevice
Int _ stdcall icsnoefinndneodevices (unsigned long device type, NeoDevice *pNeoDevices, int * pnumberofdevices);
Use python as follows:
NeoDevice class (structure):
_fields_ = [("DeviceType ",c_ulong),
("serial number", c_int),
(" MaxAllowedClients ",c_int)]
CNeoVICan class (CCanBase):
def __init__(self):
neoVi = windll.icsneo40
self . icsnoefindneodevices = neo VI . icsnoefindneodevices
if __name__ == "__main__ ":
canBus = cNeoVICan()
Print canBus.icsneoGetDLLVersion ()
iNumberOfDevices =[neo device()for x in range( 10)]
num = c_int
Iresult = canbus. icsnoefinndneodevices (c _ ulong (65535), pointer (iNumberOfDevices), byref(num))
However, the following error will be reported:
Backtracking (last call):
The file "c: \ work \ project \ GUI \ wxpycan303 \ DRV \ source \ src \ DRV \ neovi \ cneovican.py", line 224, is in the< module & gt
Iresult = canbus. icsnoefinndneodevices (c _ ulong (65535), pointer (iNumberOfDevices), byref(num))
Type error: _type_ must have storage information.
What is the reason for the mistake?
Thank you.
Because python's list is not of type ctypes.
The correct way is
NeoDevice class (structure):
_fields_ = [("DeviceType ",c_ulong),
("serial number", c_int),
(" MaxAllowedClients ",c_int)]
CNeoVICan class (CCanBase):
def __init__(self):
neoVi = windll.icsneo40
self . icsnoefindneodevices = neo VI . icsnoefindneodevices
if __name__ == "__main__ ":
canBus = cNeoVICan()
Print canBus.icsneoGetDLLVersion ()
iNumberOfDevices =(neo device * 10)()
num = c_int()
I result = CANbus . icsnoefindneodevices(c _ ulong(65535),cast(iNumberOfDevices,POINT(NeoDevice)),byref(num))
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