# include & ltstdio.h & gt
Int cnt, sum/* defines cnt, CNT and sum are plastic data */
void count value();
void write dat();
void main()
CNT = sum = 0; /* Assign cnt and sumfufu an initial value of 0*/
count value();
printf("cnt=%d\n ",CNT);
printf("sum=%d ",sum);
write dat();
void writedat()
FILE * fp
fp=fopen("out.dat "," w ");
fprintf(fp," %d\n%d\n ",cnt,sum);
void countvalue()
int i,j; /* Define I, and J is plastic data */
for(I = 100; I< 1000; I++) /* Define the value range of I as 100 to 1000, i+ 1*/
{ for(j = 2; J< me; J++) /* Define the range of J, and realize the loop within this range */
If(i%j==0) interrupt; /* If i%j==0, jump out of the loop */
if(j = = I & amp; & amp((I % 10+I/ 10% 10)% 10 = = I/ 100))
{ cnt++;
sum = I+ 1;