Assume that row represents the current row and col represents the current column. Sum represents the sum of the current elements.
For the line 1, we need to traverse 1 elements.
For line 2, we need to traverse 2 elements.
. . .
For line 5, we need to traverse five elements.
Therefore, the approximate code should be longer than this sample paper:
int? Calculate trigonometric sum (int? matrix[5][5])? {
int? sum? =? 0;
int? Row,? col
Everyone's? Row? =? [0? ~? 4]? {
Everyone's? Cole? =? [0? ~? Row]? {
sum? +=? Matrix [row] [column];
Return? Sum;
} Just fill in other necessary codes at last!
# Contains? & ltstdio.h & gt
int? getLowerTriangleSum(int? matrix[5][5])? {
int? sum? =? 0;
int? Row,? col
for(row = 0; ? row & lt5; ? row++)? {
for(col = 0; ? Col< line+1; ? col++)? {
sum? +=? Matrix [row] [column];
Return? Sum;
int? main()? {
int? Matrix [5][5]? =? {
{ 1,? 2,? 3,? 4,? 5},
{6,? 7,? 8,? 9,? 10},
{ 1 1,? 12,? 13,? 14,? 15},
{ 16,? 17,? 18,? 19,? 20},
{2 1,? 22,? 23,? 24,? 25}
int? sum? =? GetLowerTriangleSum (matrix);
Printf ("lower? Triangle? sum? Yes? Matrix? Is it? %d\n ",sum);
Return? 0;