//Start splicing Json strings
ns dictionary * data dictionary =[ns dictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@ " MAC " ,@ " MAC ",
@ "Game", @ "Game",
@ "device token", @ "device token",
@ "device", @ "device",
"Lang", "Lang",
@"os",@"os ",nil];
ns dictionary * parm dictionary =[ns dictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@ " getSession " ,@ " act ",
dataDictionary,@"data ",nil];
ns dictionary * jsonDictionary =[ns dictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@ " PV " ,@ " PV ",
parmDictionary,@"param ",nil];
SBJsonWriter * writer =[[SBJsonWriter alloc]init];
ns string * jasonString =[writer string with object:jsonDictionary];
NSLog(@“% @”,Jason string);
The code above uses three levels of nesting. Note that in NSDictionary, the value comes before and the key comes after.
The results after stitching are as follows:
{"pv":"pv "," param":{"act":"getSession "," data":{"os":"os "," mac":"mac "," game":"game "," gv":"gv "," lang":"lang "," devicetoken":"devicetoken "," device":"device"}}}
After parsing with Json online verification tool:
" param": {
" act": "getSession ",
"Data": {
Game: game,
Lingtai: Lingtai,
Lang: Lang,
"device token": "device token",
"equipment": "equipment"