Data 1=mat (zero ((
# Create a 3*3 null matrix, where the parameter of null function is tuple type (3,3).
data 2 = mat(one((
# Create a 2*4 1 matrix. By default, it is floating-point data. If necessary, you can use dtype=int.
# The random module here uses the random module in numpy. Random. rand (2,2) creates a two-dimensional array, which needs to be converted into #matrix.
, size = (
# Generate a random integer matrix of 3*3 between 0- 10. If you need to specify a lower bound, you can add an additional parameter.
, size = (
# Generate a random integer matrix between 2 and 8.
, data type =
Internationalorganizations (same as international organizations)
# Generate a 2*2 diagonal matrix
a 1=[
]; A2=mat (diagnosis (a 1))
# Generate diagonal matrix with diagonal 1, 2, 3.