# include & ltstdlib.h & gt
# include & ltiostream & gt
Use namespace std
String to number
int s2i(const char * str,int *num)
int I;
* num = 0;
if (strlen(str) == 0)
return- 1;
for(I = 0; I & ltstrlen(str);); i++)
if(*(str+I)& lt; 0 ' | | *(str+I)>;' 9')
return- 1;
* num =(* num)* 10+(*(str+I))-' 0 ';
Returns 0;
String segmentation method
Divide str into string array pStr with separator',', and subStrCount is the number of separated strings.
int splitString(string str,string **pStr,int *subStrCount)
int strLen = str . length();
int pLen =(strLen+4)/4 * 4;
char * p source = new char[pLen];
char * p;
memcpy(pSource,str.c_str(),str . length());
(* sub count)= 0;
for(int I = 0; I & ltstrLeni+++)
if (*(pSource + i) = ',')
(* sub count)++;
*(p source+I)= 0;
//The string does not end with a delimiter (there is a string after the last delimiter)
if (*(pSource + strLen - 1)! = ',')
(* sub count)++;
*pStr = new string [* (substrcount)];
p = pSource
for(int I = 0; I<* subStrCounti++)
(* pStr)[I]= p;
p += (*pStr)[i]。 Length ()+1;
Returns 0;
int _tmain(int argc,_TCHAR* argv[])
string strTest = " 12,4,52 1 ";
string * pStr = NULL
int * numbs = NULL
Int sub-count;
split string(strTest & amp; pStr & amp; sub count);
if(substr count & lt; = 0)
return- 1;
numbs = new int[substr count];
for(int I = 0; I < sub-count; i++)
for(int I = 0; I < sub-count; i++)
cout & lt& lt*(numbs+I)& lt; & lt" ";
cout & lt& ltendl
if (pStr! = empty)
Delete [] pstr;
pStr = NULL
If (numb! = empty)
Delete [] digits;
numbs = NULL
Returns 0;