Basic concepts and laws of circuit power supply voltage source current source ideal voltage source ideal current source volt-ampere characteristics electromotive force voltage current potential potential difference ohm volt ampere watt Joule circuit elements resistance resistance inductance inductance capacitance circuit model reference direction reference potential l ohm's law ohm's law Kirchhoff's law Kirchhoff's voltage law Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) Kirchhoff's Law of Current (KCL) Node Branch Circuit Mesh Branch Current Method Branch Current Analysis Mesh Current Method Mesh Current Analysis Node Potential Method Node Voltage Analysis Power Supply Transformation Power Supply Transformation Superimposing Principle Network Passive two-terminal network Active two-terminal network Thevenin theorem Norton theorem Open circuit short circuit. Its open-circuit voltage open-circuit voltage short-circuit current AC circuit DC circuit AC circuit AC circuit sinusoidal AC circuit AC circuit average value effective value instantaneous value reactance reaction reactance reactance reactance reactance farahenry impedance complex impedance complex impedance phase initial phase phase phase difference phase difference phase lead phase lag phase inversion, Inverse Inverter Frequency Angular Frequency Hertz Phasor Diagram Phasor Diagram Active Power Reactive Power Apparent Power Power Factor Power Factor Compensation Power Factor Compensation Series Resonance Series Resonance Parallel Resonance Frequency Frequency Characteristic Amplitude-frequency characteristic Amplitude-frequency characteristic Frequency response characteristic Phase-frequency characteristic Cut-off frequency quality factor Bandwidth (BW) Filter filter first-order filter second-order filter low-pass filter high-pass filter band-pass filter band-stop filter er transfer function Porter figure Fourier series three-phase circuit three-phase circuit three-phase source symmetrical three-phase source symmetrical three-phase load symmetrical three-phase load phase voltage phase current line current line current three-phase three-phase three-phase four-wire system three-phase power supply star connection triangle connection triangle connection triangle connection. Switching Theorem of Transient Steady-state Transient Process and Transient Response Switching First-order Circuit Three-factor Method Time Constant Integral Circuit Differential Circuit Differential Circuit Magnetic Circuit and Transformer Magnetic Field Magnetic Field Magnetic Flux Magnetic Circuit Magnetic Induction Intensity Magnetic Flux Density Magnetic Flux Potential Magnetomotive Reluctance Motor DC Motor AC Motor. Asynchronous motor asynchronous motor synchronous motor synchronous motor three-phase asynchronous motor single-phase asynchronous motor rotating magnetic field rotating magnetic field stator rotor slip starting current starting torque rated voltage rated current rated power mechanical characteristics relay-contactor control button fuse switch travel switch relay contactor normally open contact normally closed contact normally closed contact time relay thermal overload relay intermediate relay programmable controller programmable logic control Ladder diagram semiconductor device intrinsic semiconductor doped semiconductor P-type semiconductor N-type semiconductor free electron hole carrier PN junction diffusion drift diode silicon diode germanium diode German diode anode cathode LED photodiode Zener diode transistor (triode) Transistor PNP transistor n PN transistor NPN transistor emitter emitter collector base current amplification factor Current amplification dielectric field effect transistor (FET) P channel P channel N channel junction field effect transistor junction FET(JFET) Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS). Depletion MOSFET(D-MOSFET) enhanced MOSFET enhanced MOSFET(E-MOSFET) source source gate drain transconductance pinch-off voltage voltage thermistor open circuit short circuit basic amplifier amplifier forward bias reverse bias static operating point static operating point (Q point) Equivalent Circuit Voltage Amplification Voltage Gain Total Voltage Amplification Total Voltage Gain Saturation Cut-off Amplifier Area Saturation Distortion Saturation Distortion Saturation Distortion Cut-off Distortion Zero Drift Positive Feedback Negative Feedback Series Negative Feedback Parallel Negative Feedback Parallel Negative Feedback * * * Emitter Amplifier Common Emitter Amplifier Emitter Follower * * Source Amplifier Common Source Amplifier * * * Common-drain amplifier multi-stage amplifier resistor-capacitive coupling amplifier resistor-capacitive coupling amplifier directly coupled amplifier input resistor input resistor output resistor load resistor dynamic resistor load current bypass capacitive coupling capacitor DC path AC path AC path DC component AC component varistor resistor resistor (value) Impedance Capacitance Capacitance Inductance Inductance Sinusoidal Voltage Integrated Operational Amplifier and Operational Amplifier Using Differential Amplifier Offset Voltage Offset Current Offset Current * * * Common Mode Signal Different Mode Signal * * * * Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR). Integral circuit integrator (circuit) differential circuit differentiator (circuit) active filter low-pass filter high-pass filter band-pass filter band-stop filter band-stop filter Butterworth filter Chebyshev filter cut-off frequency upper cut-off frequency lower cut-off frequency lo. Wer cutoff frequency center frequency bandwidth Open-loop gain Open-loop gain Closed-loop gain * * Mode gain Common-mode gain Input impedance Voltage follower Voltage source Voltage source Current source Unit gain bandwidth frequency response se frequency response characteristics (curve) Response characteristics Porter chart stability compensation comparator hysteresis comparator step input voltage step input voltmeter meter amplifier instrument amplifier isolation amplifier logarithmic amplifier logarithmic amplifier feedback channel feedback path reverse leakage current phase locked loop (PLL) phase detector and frequency difference frequency waveform generation circuit oscillator RC oscillator LC oscillator sine wave oscillator sine wave oscillator triangular wave generator amplitude amplitude level saturated output level (voltage) power amplifier. R crossover distortion Class A power amplifier Class A power amplifier Class B analogy pull power amplifier OTL power amplifier output transformer less power amplifier OCL power amplifier output capacitance less power amplifier half-wave rectifier half-wave rectifier inductance filter capacitance filter series. V-type regulated power supply series (voltage) regulator switch (voltage) regulator integrated regulator integrated circuit (voltage) regulator thyristor and controllable rectifier thyristor single junction transistor (UJT) controllable rectifier controllable rectifier thyristor peak-peak point and valley point. Y-point control angle control angle conduction angle conduction angle gate circuit and logic algebra binary binary number binary decimal hexadecimal binary coded decimal (BCD) Gateways, gates, tri-state gates, and gates or gates, nor gates, nor gates, nor gates, nor gates, nor gates, nor gates, nor gates, nor gates, nor gates, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Karnaugh tables, logical functions, logical expressions, logical expressions, combinational logic circuits, decoders, encoders, comparators, half-adders, half-adders, seven-segment display sequential logic circuits, sequential logic circuits, R-S triggers, D triggers, J-K triggers, Flop Bit terminal direct reset terminal register shift register shift register bidirectional shift register bidirectional international shift register counter synchronous counter asynchronous counter addition counter subtraction counter timer is cleared. Ar load clock pulse trigger pulse rising edge falling edge timing diagram monostable trigger Op bistable trigger bistable trigger unstable oscillator crystal 555 timer 555 mutual conversion between analog signal and digital signal ad converter analog-digital converter (ADC) DA converter digital-analog converter (DAC) semiconductor memory read-only memory (ROM) programmable ROM Common English abbreviations are explained (in alphabetical order):
Application specific integrated circuit. asic
Complex programmable logic device. Complex programmable logic device.
Electronic design automation. Electronic design automation
Field programmable gate array. Field programmable gate array
GAL: universal array logic. Generic array logic.
Hardware description language.
IP: intellectual property. Intelligent module
PAL: programmable array logic. programmable array logic
RTL: register transfer level. Register transfer level description)
SOC: system on chip.
System level integrated circuit. System level integrated circuit