The treatment of skin pigmentation should naturally start from two aspects, one is the treatment of the cause, and the other is the local symptomatic treatment. The latter is to remove local pigment by physical or chemical methods.
Asiaticoside tablets can promote wound healing. Can be used for treating surgical trauma, trauma, burn, keloid and scleroderma. It can regulate scar connective tissue, act on fibroblasts, reduce cell degeneration, promote healing, regulate healing and realize controlled healing. It is suitable for treating various degrees of burns, plastic surgery, trauma, hypertrophic scar, keloid and scleroderma. Wounds: such as various surgical incisions, skin grafting, caesarean section, trauma, firearm injuries, etc. Ulcer: such as diabetes, vascular embolism, varicose veins, radiation injury, trauma, surgery and other incurable ulcers, acne, fistula and so on. Burns: such as various degrees of burns, scalds, chemical and solar burns, etc. Adhesion: such as tendon adhesion, abdominal adhesion and skin adhesion. Scar: such as hypertrophic scar and scar contracture, keloid, pigmentation and functional limitation. Special operations: plastic surgery, ent, obstetrics and gynecology, children's surgery; Scleroderma: Collagen diseases such as connective tissue fibrosis.
Asiaticoside tablets have no effect on pigmentation, which can be taken orally with vitamin C and is effective.