Excuse me, which men in the couple's shop use drugs that extend the time and increase the effect? And it can last longer?
There is a thick condom that can reduce the friction and irritation you feel, thus prolonging the time. In fact, there is a small coup: because the most sensitive place for men is the convex edge around the glans, you can find something like cotton thread around the back of your "locomotive", which is moderately elastic to ensure that you don't rub when wearing condoms. Absolutely absolutely extend the time! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Because your sensitive parts have been covered by tiny inconspicuous cotton thread, the friction is transmitted to yourself through several layers of entangled cotton thread and thickened condom, and the strength has been greatly reduced! ! So it's very simple, taking medicine is not good for your health, but if you want to kill two birds with one stone, just take some.