Apply. Dialog box (xlDialogPrinterSetup). show
Apply. (xldialogprintersetup) displays the dialog box.
Active window. The selected worksheet. Print output from: = 1 to: = 1, number of copies: = 1, print one by one _
Active window.selectedsheets.printout: = 1, = 1,: =1,finishing _ copy.
: =True' Prints the current first page.
: = true "Print the current first page.
Zhang (1). Range ("B3") = Sheets ( 1)。 Range ("B3"). Reference cell c 1 page number value+1 increase 1.
Table (1). Range ("b3") = slice ( 1)。 Range ("B3"). The value of page number reference unit C 1 1 increases 1.
End joint
postal service
Save sub-delivery notice ()
Save sub-delivery notice ()
Dimension x is length and y is byte.
X is a long integer variable and y is a byte.
X = sheets ("delivery note record"). [B65536]。 End (3). row
X = Form ("Delivery Note Record"). [b65536 ].(3) End of line
y =[MAX(IF($ a $ 5:$ a $ 15 & lt; & gt"",ROW($ a $ 5:$ a $ 15))]
Y =[ Maximum value (if ($5:15)
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("b" &;; x + 1。 ":B " & ampx + y - 8)。 Value = range ("F3"). value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("b" and x+ 1 and "b" and x+y 8). Value of the value range ("F3")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("c" &;; x + 1。 ":C " & ampx + y - 8)。 Value = range ("B6"). value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("c" and x+ 1 "c "and x+y = 8). Value of value range ("B6")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("d" &;; x + 1。 《:D 》& amp; x + y - 8)。 Value = range ("B3"). value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("d" and x+ 1 ":d "and x+y 8). Value of value range ("B3")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("f" &;; x + 1。 ":F " & ampx + y - 8)。 Value = range ("F7"). value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("f "and x+ 1 ":f and x+y = 8). Value of the value range ("F7")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("e" &;; x + 1。 ":E " & ampx + y - 8)。 Value = range ("F6"). value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("e "and x+ 1": "and x+y 8). Value of the value range ("F6")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("g" &;; x + 1。 ":G " & ampx + y - 8)。 Value = range ("H9: h"&; y)。 value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("g" and x+ 1 and "g" and x+y = 8). Value range ("H9 subtype: H, Y value").
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("h" &;; x + 1。 ":H " & ampx + y - 8)。 Value = range ("A9:B" & amp; y)。 value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("h" and x+ 1 "h "and x+y = 8). Value range ("A9: b, y value")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). range(" I " &; x + 1。 ":I" & ampx+y-8). Value = range ("B9: c"&; y)。 value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("I" and x+ 1 and "I" and x+y = 8). Value range ("B9: c, y value")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("j" &;; x + 1。 ":J " & ampx + y - 8)。 value = Range(" C9 :D " & amp; y)。 value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("j" and x+ 1 and "j" and x+y = 8). Range of values ("C9: D and y values").
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("k" &;; x + 1。 ":K " & ampx + y - 8)。 Value = range ("d9: e"&; y)。 value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range (k and x+1":k and x+y = 8). Range of values ("D9: e and y values")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("l" &;; x + 1。 ":L " & ampx + y - 8)。 Value = range ("E9: f"&; y)。 value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("l" and x+ 1 and "l" and x+y = 8). Range of values ("E9: f and Y values")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("M" & ampx+1:M "& ampx+y-8). value = Range(" F9:G " & amp; y)。 value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("m" and x+ 1 and "m" and x+y = 8). Range of values ("F9: g, y values")
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("a" &;; x + 1。 ":A " & ampx + y - 8)。 Value = "=Row()- 1 "
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("&; X+ 1 ":"and x+y 8). Value = "= row ()- 1 "
Form ("Delivery Notice Record"). Range ("a" &;; x + 1。 ":A " & ampX+y-8)。 Value = pieces ("delivery note record"). Range ("a" &;; x + 1。 ":A " & ampx + y - 8)。 value
Table ("delivery note record"). Range ("&; X+ 1 ":"and x+y 8). Value = Table ("Delivery Note Record"). Range ("&; X+ 1 ":"and x+y value 8).
Delivery notice output
"Delivery note output
Dim fname as a string
Fuzzy string
fname = Range("b3 ")
Range ("B3")
Display cname as a string
Dim CNAME string
cname = Range("f3 ")
CNAME = range ("F3")
Range ("A 1:J2 1"). choose
Range (A 1: J2 1 "select")
Range ("J2 1"). Make active
Range ("J2 1" activated)
Use ActiveWorkbook. Release object ("Xia Hong _ 1239")
And the active workbook publishing object ("Xiaohong _ 1239").
. HtmlType = xlHtmlStatic
htmltype = xlhtmlstatic
. Filename = "e: \ xiaohongnetworks \ delivery note \ "&; fname & amp"+" & amp; cname & amp".htm "
="。 File names: \ xiahongnetworks \ delivery note \ "+"and CNAME
. Release (false)
Release (false)
. Automatic publishing = false
Automatic publishing = false
End with ...
End joint
postal service