I use your questions to practice my new writing. You need a compiler gcc > to support the latest C++ 1 1 standard. 4.6
Compile and run.
# include & ltiostream & gt
# include & lt algorithm & gt
# include & ltnumeric & gt
Use namespace std
int main(){
//randomly generate the number of 10 (VC >;; In 2008, GCC & gt3.5)
int a[ 10];
int count = 0;
generate_n(a, 10,[]{ return rand()% 20; });
for_each(a,a+ 10,[](int I){ cout & lt; & lt me<& lt''; });
cout & lt& ltendl
//method 1 range traversal (even the latest Visual C++20 12 is not supported, GCC >;; 4.6)
int sum = 0;
for(int & amp; I:a)sum+= I;
Cout & lt& lt "Total 1: "<
//Method 2 High-order reduce(VC & gt;; 6.0/98)
Cout & lt& lt "Sum 2:"
//Method 3 Recursion (VC & gt20 10)
Function & ltint(int*, int) > summfunc = [&; sumfunc](int *a,int l)-& gt; int { return l & gt 1? (*a)+sumfunc(a+ 1,l- 1):* a; };
Cout & lt& lt "3 in total:"
//Method 4 Local Sum Set (VC >;; 6.0)
int b[ 10];
partial_sum(a,a+ 10,b);
Cout & lt& lt "Four in total:"
Returns 0;
19 16 9 8 6 19 12 19 9 17
Total 1: 134
Total 2: 134
Total 3: 134
Total 4: 134