L real variable
Similar to floating-point variables in general programming languages, they are used to represent floating-point data, with values ranging from float-3.40e+38 to +3.40e+38, with 7 significant digits.
L discrete variable
Similar to Boolean variables in general programming languages, there are only two values, 0, 1, which are used to represent some switching quantities.
1 string variable
Similar to string variables in general programming languages, it can be used to record some strings with specific meanings, such as names and passwords. Variables of this type can be compared and assigned. The maximum length of a string is 128 characters.
L integer variable
Similar to the signed long integer variable in general programming language, it is used to represent signed integer data, and its value range is (-2147483648) ~ 2147483647.
L structural variable
When defining structural variables in Kingview project, the defined structural variables will be automatically listed in the drop-down list box of variable type. As a variable type, a structural variable can contain multiple members, and each member is a basic variable. Member types can be: memory discrete, memory integer, memory real number type, memory string, IO discrete, IO integer, IO real number type and IO string.