Proportion of reimbursement for new rural cooperative medical system in Luoyang Third Hospital and First Affiliated Hospital of Heke University
50%-90%。 According to the official compensation policy of the new rural cooperative medical system issued by the First Affiliated Hospital of Luoyang Third Hospital of Heke University of Science and Technology, the minimum threshold at the township level is 100 yuan, with 90% reimbursement; The county-level Qifubiaozhun is 400 yuan, 400 yuan-1500 yuan reimburses 63%, and 1500 yuan reimburses 83%. Qifubiaozhun for urban secondary hospitals is 55% for reimbursement of-3,000 yuan, and 75% for reimbursement of more than 3,000 yuan in 600 yuan and 600 yuan. The threshold for tertiary hospitals is 1200 yuan, 1200 yuan -4000 yuan is 53%, and over 4000 yuan is 72%; The threshold for provincial hospitals in Romania is 2,000 yuan, 50% of which are from 2,000 yuan to 7,000 yuan, and 68% are above 7,000 yuan.