Hand hygiene: the general term for hand washing, sanitary hand disinfection and surgical hand disinfection. Among them, hand washing refers to the process of medical staff washing their hands with soap or soap solution and tap water to remove dirt, debris and some pathogenic bacteria from their hands. In order to achieve the cleanest hygiene of ordinary hand washing, it is best to wash your hands for no less than 20 seconds. This time is roughly equivalent to singing a birthday song twice, which can be used as a standard to measure time. Sanitary hand disinfection refers to the process that medical personnel wipe their hands with quick-drying hand disinfectant to reduce temporary bacteria in their hands. Surgical hand disinfection refers to the process that medical personnel wash their hands with soap (liquid) or antibacterial soap (liquid) and running water before operation, and then use hand disinfectant to remove or kill temporary and permanent bacteria in their hands.
Compliance, also known as compliance, means that doctors wash their hands according to regulations.