Experts say that there are generally two reasons for pain in the nose. The first is rhinorrhea. Rhinorrhea is one of the common symptoms of nasal diseases. For different reasons. The properties of secretions are also different and are described as follows:
(1) Purulent rhinorrhoea:
Harbin Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital
It is seen in severe sinuses inflammation.
(2) Watery rhinorrhoea: The secretion is thin and transparent, like water. It is more common in the early stage of acute rhinitis and the onset of allergic rhinitis.
(3) Mucopurulent rhinorrhea: seen in the recovery period of acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. The secretion is thick and consists mainly of shed mucosal epithelial cells and infiltrated polymorphic leukocytes.
(4) Mucous rhinorrhea: mucus glands and epithelial goblet cells secrete mucus substances in the nasal mucosa. Keep nasal mucosa moist. During chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, the secretion of the above-mentioned mucus glands and goblet cells increases. Mucoid rhinorrhea occurs.
(5) Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea (i.e., cerebrospinal fluid flows out of the nasal cavity, seen in congenital cribriform plate, sphenoid sinus bone defects, anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa floor fractures or surgical trauma. Endoscopic sinus surgery injuries The bone at the attachment of the middle turbinate (such as the ethmoid roof) can easily cause cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea.
(6) Bloody rhinorrhea: the secretion contains blood, which is seen in inflammation of the nose and sinuses, trauma, and foreign bodies. Stones, tumors (such as malignant tumors of the maxillary sinus), etc. If you have bloody rhinorrhea, you should have a nose and sinus examination, and if necessary, a full-body examination to determine the cause and location of the bleeding.
Armed Police Heilongjiang Provincial Corps. Hospital
Experts from the hospital said that under normal circumstances, the nasal detoxification function ensures that the number of the above-mentioned bacteria does not exceed the amount that the human body can tolerate. If there are predisposing factors such as cold, rain, excessive fatigue, etc., the nasal detoxification function will be reduced and the above-mentioned bacteria will be released. It can stay in the nasal cavity for a long time and multiply, causing colds. If cold inflammation persists for a long time, it can easily worsen into rhinitis.
Adolescents may suffer from difficulty concentrating and memory problems due to nasal congestion, headaches and other symptoms caused by rhinitis. Academic performance declines, and developmental disorders occur due to frequent mouth breathing. Therefore, experts recommend that people suffering from rhinitis should seek early and reasonable treatment for winter rhinitis. It is recommended that patients receive early treatment. Many patients with rhinitis do not take rhinitis seriously and turn a blind eye to minor problems such as nasal congestion, itchy nose, continuous sneezing, and persistent runny nose. They do not take the initiative to seek medical treatment and just take some medicine. Just get over it.
Such patients often fail to achieve the purpose of treatment and develop drug resistance, leading to rhinitis complications in severe cases. Sinusitis, nasal polyps, otitis media, pharyngitis, nocturnal sleep apnea syndrome, etc.