The industrial chain behind this is mainly based on medical beauty.
With the continuous development of material living standards, many people do not lack anything materially, but their spiritual needs are becoming higher and higher. Some people have also begun to suffer from anxiety about appearance, thinking that they are not good-looking enough, so they want to use medical methods to make themselves look better. We can understand the love for beauty, but if a person is excessively anxious, it actually doesn’t make much sense, because there is no perfect person in the world.
1. The media began to pay attention to appearance anxiety.
Appearance anxiety and figure anxiety have been around for a long time, and this situation is particularly common among those born in 1995 and 2000. Many young people do not focus on how to struggle, but instead focus on the little things in daily life. To some extent, each generation has its own characteristics, and today's young people do pay more attention to themselves. The media has now begun to pay attention to appearance anxiety, and has begun to dig into the powerful industrial chain brought about by appearance anxiety.
Second, there is a strong medical beauty industry chain behind this.
The medical beauty we are talking about usually refers to medical beauty. Medical beauty not only includes medical plastic surgery, but also includes commercial beauty components. Precisely because many people love beauty and have deep anxiety about appearance, there is a very strong demand for medical plastic surgery. Because of this, we will find that the medical plastic surgery industry has developed particularly rapidly in recent years. Various problems will always arise in a rapidly developing industry, and the current medical aesthetics industry is not formal.
3. Behind the medical beauty industry chain is a huge profit system.
From product supply, production to consumption, the medical aesthetics industry chain has a huge profit system. The raw material cost of a medical beauty product may only be a few yuan, but when it is used by consumers, it will become thousands of yuan, which contains a thousand times profit. There will also be many irregular medical institutions in the field of medical beauty, which will also bring medical risks to many patients. To some extent, this so-called huge industrial chain needs to be rectified, and the standards of the medical beauty industry also need to be further standardized.