The thickness of lips is the thickness of upper and lower red lips when the mouth is gently closed. The standard of beautiful lips for women should be 8 mm for upper red lips, 9mm for lower red lips and 2-3mm for men. Generally speaking, the thickness of upper and lower lips in the center of red lips is above 8- 12mm, and it is thinner below 8mm.
Before thinning the thick lip, we should design according to the width of the red lip tissue to be cut off, cut the mucosa according to the design line, cut off the orbicularis oris muscle properly with a wedge-shaped incision, shape the natural shape of the lip according to the proportion of the five senses, and coordinate the lip with the eyebrow to achieve the purpose of thinning the thick lip.
The surgical method is to remove the oral mucosa and muscles in a spindle or zigzag shape at the junction of skin and mucosa, depending on the thickness of upper and lower lips, and then directly open the suture incision to make the thick lips thinner. The scar of the surgical incision is hidden in the mouth and the effect is ideal.
How to do oral cosmetic surgery?