objective function
Maximum f=-3x 1+2x2-5x3
Constraint condition
x 1+2x2-x3≤2,
x 1+4x2+x3≤4,
x 1+x2≤3,
4x 1+x3≤6,
X 1, x2 and x3 are 0 or 1.
Enter the following command in the Matlab command window:
a=[ 1,2,- 1,; 1,4, 1; 1, 1,0; 0,4, 1]; b =[2; 4; 3; 6];
% because bintprog is solving the minimum value of the objective function, a negative sign should be added before F.
The running results are as follows:
Optimization terminated.
x = 0
fval = -2
It means that when x 1=0, x2= 1, x3=0, the maximum value of f is 2.
Of course, we can also enter the following command in the Matlab command window to inquire about the usage of the 0- 1 integer programming command.
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