Gastrointestinal symptoms
Protein allergy in infants can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, diarrhea, mucus-like or watery stool, and some infants may also have allergic gastritis, enteritis and celiac disease.
Skin symptoms
Baby protein allergy can cause skin symptoms, such as congestion, eczema, itching, urticaria, angioedema and so on. These symptoms are most likely to appear in the face, neck, ears and other parts.
Symptoms of nervous system
Baby protein allergy can cause nervous system symptoms such as headache and dizziness, and more serious symptoms such as sudden drop of blood pressure, loss of consciousness, poor breathing and even anaphylactic shock.
Lack of nutrition hinders development.
Because the baby is allergic to protein, it is impossible to eat high protein and nutrition, which will naturally hinder the baby's nutrition absorption, and insufficient nutrition absorption will hinder the baby's development.
Cause gastroenteritis
Baby protein's allergies can lead to diarrhea, vomiting and other problems. In the long run, it is easy to cause gastrointestinal inflammation and damage gastrointestinal health.
Lead to more serious skin diseases
There will be skin diseases such as redness, urticaria, wheal and other baby protein allergies. If the baby scratches himself and accidentally gets infected, it is likely to hurt the skin, become red, swollen, inflamed and purulent.
Cause other diseases
Other chronic diseases caused by severe protein's allergy are not excluded. Such as arthritis, hypertension and diabetes. Of course, these are serious abnormal situations, so mothers don't have to worry.