1. Massage: You can massage your belly when you have nothing to do. Because the belly is all fat, you can decompose some fat during massage, which can also promote the intestinal tract. Digestion. When massaging, you must pay attention to performing some massage on the front midline and water points, so that the effect will be better. Drink more boiled water at ordinary times, which can also promote metabolism.
2. Exercise: We can do some small exercises to lose weight before going to bed. First, lie flat on the bed, then bend your knees so that your thighs are placed on top of your abdomen. Then put your hands straight on both sides of the body, exert force on your abdomen, and hold for five seconds. After five seconds, you can straighten your legs, but your body cannot move, and then return to the original position at the same speed. position, this exercise can effectively burn abdominal fat and reduce belly fat.
3. Belly reduction meal: If there is more meat on the belly, then we should also pay more attention to our diet and eat some healthy weight loss meals. If we eat relatively healthily, then we can It has the effect of losing weight, because everyone's situation is different, so we should make a weight loss meal suitable for ourselves according to our own situation, but we must pay attention to nutritional balance, and we must not ruin our body because of weight loss. .
4. Running: Some survey results show that running can also lose belly fat, but you must pay attention to running slowly when running, so that you can fully burn abdominal fat. Some people Because your body is relatively weak, you will feel particularly tired after running for a while. This situation is relatively normal. If you persist for a while, you will find that your body becomes healthier.