Because when Castro was three months old, he was just in the stage of developing his body shape, which was conducive to the re-growth of his ears after being cut off.
Ear clipping method: 1. When cutting ears, put a mask on Castro and fix his head;
2. First cut hair in the operating department, and then carry out routine disinfection and local infiltration anesthesia;
3. Cut the skin at a predetermined place with a scalpel, then separate the skin and cartilage by two centimeters in the direction of the ear root, and then remove the cartilage there;
4, fully stop bleeding and apply anti-inflammatory powder or penicillin powder;
5. Suture the skin, wrap the ear with gauze and absorbent cotton, and fix it with bandage to prevent scratches.
Note: Castro needs to have his ears cut in a pet hospital.