2.3x 1.4
Arithmetic of decimal multiplication:
1, first quadrature according to the law of integer multiplication.
2. See how many decimal places the multiplicand and multiplier * * * have. Just count the numbers from the right side of the product and point to the decimal point.
3. If there is a 0 after the decimal point, cross out the 0 after the decimal point according to the basic properties of the decimal point.
Calculation rules of multiplication:
1, one-digit multiplication rule, integer multiplication starts from the low order, and one-digit multiplication is a product.
Multiply the number of units by several 1, and the last digit of the product is the number of units.
The calculation is accurate and the multiplication formula has a basis.
2. Two-digit multiplication law is low in integer multiplication, and two-digit multiplication is twice product.
Multiply the number of units by several 1, and the last digit of the product is the number of units.
Ten digits are multiplied by dozens, and the last digit of the product is ten digits.
Calculate the correct number of digits and add the two products.