Processor AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ AM2 (boxed) x 1 330
Main board MSI K9A2VM-F V2 x 1 380
Memory Kingston 1GB DDR2 800 x 1 65
Exhibition of the Great Wall M97 x 1 700
Hard disk Yi Tuo 160G 8M serial port x 1 245.
The graphics card integrates ATI3 100 384 memory.
Speaker rambler z100 x z100 x1100
The peak speed of chassis century satellite belt power supply is 350 x 1 160.
Mouse and keyboard set Bokai waterproof cover x 1 35
Total price: ¥20 15
AMD dual-core 2.4GHZ MSI 780V motherboard graphics card is ATI3 100 integrated divided memory 384M, which can run all online games smoothly. Is it Great Wall 19 inch 4:3 LCD game or square screen rambler 2. 1 Audio World Star 350 power supply! ! Very good home computer
Processor AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ AM2 (boxed) x 1 330
Main board Yingtong A770X male police V 1. 1 x 1 390
Memory Kingston 2g ddr2 800x1115.
Exhibition of the Great Wall M97 x 1 700
Hard disk Yi Tuo 160G 8M serial port x 1 245.
Graphics card Intel R3850 5 12GD3 standard edition x 1 480
Speaker rambler z100 x z100 x1100
The peak speed of chassis century satellite belt power supply is 350 x 1 160.
Mouse and keyboard set Bokai waterproof cover x 1 35
Total price: ¥ 2,555
AMD dual-core 2.4GHZ 770 motherboard graphics card is Yingtong R3850 5 12GD3 standard version Call of Duty 4 5 Need for Speed 13, and such 3D abnormal games can be opened. Monitor 19 inch 4:3 LCD game Great Wall or square screen good rambler 2. 1 Audio World Star 350 power supply! ! Very good home computer 2500 price to play all over the game world! !
CPU AMD athlon dual-core 5050e (chassis) x 1 440
Main board Huaqing a770de (ASUS a770de) x 1 430
Memory weigang 2GB DDR2 800 (colorful) x 1 1 15
Exhibition of the Great Wall M97 x 1 700
Hard disk western data 320g/7200rpm/16M/ serial port x 1 300.
Graphics card Intel R3850-5 12GD3 standard edition x 1 480
Optical drive ASUS DVD-e 818a2x1120
Speaker patriot sp1811x110.
Chassis general chassis x 1 100
Power Thunder 350 x 1 1 15
Mouse and keyboard set Bokai waterproof set x 1 35
Total price: ¥ 2,945
AMD dual-core 2.6GHz motherboard is Huaqing's 770 series. The workmanship is not bad and the price is reasonable. The memory is 2G/800, which is huge.
The monitor is a 19 inch Great Wall monitor with a size of 4:3. The hard disk dedicated to playing games is WD320G 16M, which can download more than N things.
The graphics card is ATI 3850 5 12GD3. This graphics card is cost-effective and has excellent performance. You can play CD-ROM or choose Sony Asus.
It's good to buy Patriots for stereos within 200 yuan, and good chassis for ramblers above 200 yuan, needless to say.
Thunder 350 is very useful. I sold many pieces. Mouse and keyboard can make players feel good! !
Processor AMD Athlon X2 7750 (black box) x 1 480
Kyushu fengshen Beta radiator 200+ x 1 70
Main board Huaqing a770de (ASUS a770de) x 1 430
Memory weigang 2GB DDR2 800 (colorful) x 1 1 15
Exhibition of the Great Wall M97 x 1 700
Hard disk western data 320g/7200rpm/16M/ serial port x 1 300.
Graphics card Qixiang HD4850 5 12M DDR3 Kung Fu Kingdom x 1 880.
Optical drive ASUS DVD-e 818a2x1120
Speaker patriot sp1811x110.
Chassis general chassis x 1 100
Power Thunder 350 x 1 1 15
Mouse and keyboard set Bokai waterproof set x 1 35
Total price: ¥ 3,455
AMD's 7750 dual-core 2.7GHZ L3 cache 2M is extremely fast. The motherboard is Huaqing's 770 series, and the workmanship is not bad. The price is reasonable. The memory is 2G/800, which is huge.
The monitor is a 19 inch Great Wall monitor with a size of 4:3. The hard disk dedicated to playing games is WD320G 16M, which can download more than N things.
The graphics card is Qixiang HD4850 5 12M DDR3. "forbidden kingdom" performed well. You can play advanced graphics cards. The optical drive can choose Sony ASUS.
It's good to buy Patriots for stereos within 200 yuan, and good chassis for ramblers above 200 yuan, needless to say.
Thunder 350 is very useful. I sold many pieces. Mouse and keyboard can make players feel good! !
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 (boxed) x 1 985
Main board gateway xblue-p43 (gateway xblue-p43x 1 400
Memory Weigang 2GB DDR2 800 (colorful) x2 230
Exhibition of the Great Wall M97 x 1 700
Hard disk western data 320g/7200rpm/16M/ serial port x 1 300.
Graphics card Ming Xin Shi Jie Feng 9800GTX+D -5 12D3 China x 1 860
Optical drive ASUS DVD-e 818a2x1120
Speaker patriot sp1811x110.
Chassis general chassis x 1 100
Power Thunder 350 x 1 1 15
Mouse and keyboard set Bokai waterproof set x 1 35
Total price: ¥ 3,955
Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 is super fast. The motherboard is the P43 series of Zappo. The workmanship is not bad and the price is reasonable. Memory 4G/800, massive.
The monitor is a 19 inch Great Wall monitor with a size of 4:3. The hard disk dedicated to playing games is WD320G 16M, which can download more than N things.
The graphics card is NV9800GTX, which is very advanced and has excellent performance. You can play CD-ROM or choose Sony Asus.
It's good to buy Patriots for stereos within 200 yuan, and good chassis for ramblers above 200 yuan, needless to say.
Thunder 350 is very useful. I sold many pieces. Mouse and keyboard can make players feel good! !