An error was encountered while exporting the log file.
EXP-00008: Oracle error number encountered.
ORA-0 1455: Transform column overflows integer data type.
This error will not be reported when we add the parameter INDEXES=n STATISTICS=none to the exp command.
Reason for this error:
The Export command converts the statistics of the table into integers. This error will be reported when the statistical value exceeds 2 3 1- 1.
1. View the values of the corresponding tables through dba_tables and dba_indexes. That is, the value of num_rows, to see if it exceeds 2 3 1- 1.
If the table's numrows exceeds, you can manually modify the value of the table, for example:
SQL> executes sys.dbms _ stats.set _ table _ stats ('Scott',' EMP', numrows =>100000000000);
Command format:
DBMS_STATS。 SET _ TABLE _ STATS(& lt; Owner & gt, & lttable _ name & gt, & ltstatistic _ field & gt=>& lt new lower value & gt)
2. Delete the corresponding statistical information.
SQL> analysis table & lttable _ name & gt delete statistics.
SQL> analysis index & ltindex _ name & gt delete statistics.
Or use:
Execute sys.dbms _ stats.delete _ index _ stats (ownname = > Scott, indname = & gtmy _ indx _1');
Execute DBMS _ stats.delete _ table _ stats (ownname = > scott ',tabname = & gttable _ name’)
After the revision, there is no problem with the guide.