Byte[] intBytes = new byte [4];
int bytes[0]=(byte)(x & gt; & gt24);
int bytes[ 1]=(byte)(x & gt; & gt 16);
int bytes[2]=(byte)(x & gt; & gt8);
int bytes[3]=(byte)(x & gt; & gt0);
And from byte to int, b3 corresponds to the above intBytes[0]:
Public static int makeInt (byte b3, byte b2, byte b 1, byte b0) {
return(int)((((B3 & amp; 0x ff)& lt; & lt24)|((B2 & amp; 0x ff)& lt; & lt 16)
|((b 1 & amp; 0x ff)& lt; & lt8)|((B0 & amp; 0x ff)& lt; & lt0)));
} Transforming into a long pair is also a change. .