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What does enum mean in java?
Introduction to enumeration types

Enumeration types have long appeared in programming languages, and they are used to include a set of similar values into a type. The name of the enumerated type will be defined as a unique type descriptor, which is similar to the definition of constants. However, enumeration types can provide a wider range of values for declared variables than constant types.

For example, if you want to paint a rainbow with seven colors, you can do it by defining constants in a Java program.

Listing 1. Constant definition

Public? Static electricity Class? RainbowColor? {?

//? Constant defines seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple.

Public? Static electricity Final? int? Red? =? 0; ?

Public? Static electricity Final? int? Orange? =? 1; ?

Public? Static electricity Final? int? Yellow? =? 2; ?

Public? Static electricity Final? int? Green? =? 3; ?

Public? Static electricity Final? int? Blue? =? 4; ?

Public? Static electricity Final? int? Blue? =? 5; ?

Public? Static electricity Final? int? Purple? =? 6; ?

}, you can directly refer to these constants in the program. However, there are still some problems in this way.

The type is not safe.

Because the value corresponding to the color constant is an integer, it is very likely that any integer value will be passed into the color variable during the execution of the program, which will lead to errors.

There is no namespace.

Since color constants are only properties of classes, they must be accessed through classes when they are used.

Poor consistency

Because integer enumeration is a compile-time constant, after the compilation process is completed, all the places referenced by the client and the server will directly write integer values. In this way, when you modify the old enumeration integer value or add a new enumeration value, all the referenced local codes need to be recompiled, otherwise there will be an error at runtime.

Type uncertainty

Because color enumeration values are meaningless integer values, if you debug at runtime, you will find that there are many magic numbers in the log, but it is difficult for others to understand the mystery except the programmer himself.

How to define enumeration types

In order to improve the shortcomings of Java language in this respect and make up for the defects, when SDK 5.0 was released, enumeration types were added at the language level. The definition of enumeration type is also very simple, just use enum keyword and enumeration value body enclosed by name and braces. For example, the rainbow colors mentioned above can be redefined in a new enumeration way:

enum? RainbowColor? {? Red? Oranges? Yellow? Green? Cyan,? Blue? Purple? From the above definition, it seems that enumeration types in Java are very simple, but in fact, the Java language specification gives enumeration types very powerful functions. It not only simply converts integer values into objects, but also converts enumeration type definitions into fully functional class definitions. This extension of the type definition allows developers to add any methods and properties to enumerated types, and can also implement any interfaces. In addition, the Java platform provides high-quality implementations for Enum types, such as the default implementations of Comparable and Serializable interfaces, so that developers generally don't have to care about these details.

Back to the topic of this article, what benefits can the introduction of enumeration types bring to our development? One of the most direct benefits is to expand the scope of use of the switch statement. Before 5.0, the value of switch in Java can only be a simple type, such as int, byte, short, char. After enumerating types, you can use objects. In this way, the control selection of the program becomes more convenient, see the following example:

Listing 2. Define enumeration types

//? Defines the enumeration type for seven days a week.

Public? enum? WeekDayEnum? {? Mom? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Fri? Sat,? Sun? }?

//? Read the information of the day

WeekDayEnum? Today? =? readToday(); ?

//? Select activities according to date.

Switch (today)? {?

Monday:? Do what? Things; ? Break; ?

Tuesday:? Do what? Things; ? Break; ?

Wednesday: Do what? Things; ? Break; ?

Thursday: Do what? Things; ? Break; ?

Fri:? Do what? Things; ? Break; ?

Sat:? Play? Sports? Games; ? Break; ?

Sun:? Really? Answer? Rest; ? Break; ?

For these enumerated dates, the JVM will construct a simple one-to-one object instance at runtime. These objects have unique identities, similar to integer values, and the switch statement performs jumps accordingly.

How to customize enumeration types

In addition to the most common enumeration definitions above, if you need to add some complex functions to the enumeration type, you can also customize the enumeration through definitions like class. For example, to add attributes to an enumeration type, you can define them as follows:

Listing 3. Custom enumeration type

//? Definition? RSS (really? Simple? Syndicate)? Enumeration type of seed

Public? enum? News feed? {?

//? Yahoo headlines? RSS? seed

YAHOO _ TOP _ STORIES("/RSS/topstories "),?

//CBS? Headlines? RSS? seed

CBS_TOP_STORIES("/CBSNewsMain? format=xml "),?

//? Los Angeles Times headlines? RSS? seed

LATIMES _ TOP _ STORIES("/LATIMES/news? format = XML "); ?

//? Enumerate objects? RSS? Address attribute

Private? String? rss _ url?

//? Enumeration object constructor

Private? NewsRSSFeedEnum (string? rss)? {?

this.rss_url? =? rss?


//? Enumeration object acquisition? RSS? Address method

Public? String? getRssURL()? {?

Return? this.rss _ url?


} The enumeration type of headline news above adds an attribute of RSS address to record the access address of headline news. At the same time, the value of RSS access address needs to be passed in and out, so a constructor needs to be defined to initialize this property. In addition, you need to provide a way to read RSS addresses.

How to avoid misuse of enumeration

However, there are several points to note when using Enum:

Enumeration types do not support constructors of public and protected modifiers, so constructors must be private or friendly. Therefore, an enumerated object cannot be initialized by directly calling its constructor in a program.

When defining an enumeration type, if it is a simple type, then the last enumeration value does not need to be followed by any symbol; But if there is a custom method, then the last enumeration value and the following code should use semicolons ";" Separate, without commas or spaces.

Because the values of enumeration types are actually represented by constructing objects at runtime, in a cluster environment, each virtual machine will construct a synonymous enumeration object. So it should be noted that if the equal sign ('= =') operator is directly used, these seemingly identical enumeration values must be unequal because they are not the same object instance.

Please look at the following example:

Listing 4. Avoid misusing enumeration examples

//? Defines the enumeration type for seven days a week.

Parcel? Example. Enumeration. Code; ?

Public? enum? WeekDayEnum? {?

Mon( 1),? Tuesday (2)? Wed(3),? Thu(4),? Fri(5),? Sat(6),? Sun (7); ?

Private? int? Index; ?

WeekDayEnum(int? idx)? {?

this.index? =? idx?


Public? int? getIndex()? {?

Return? Index; ?


}//? The client program sends enumeration values to the server through the network.

Parcel? Example. Enumeration. Code; ?

Import? Java . io . io exception; ?

Import? Java . io . object output stream; ?

Import? Java . io . output stream; ?

Import? Java . net . inetsocketaddress; ?

Import? Java . net . socket; ?

Import? Java . net . unknown host exception; ?

Public? Class? Enumerate clients? {?

Public? Static electricity Invalid? Main (string ...? args)? Throwing? Unknown host exception. IOException? {?

Socket? Socket? =? New? socket(); ?

//? Establish a connection with the server.

Socket.connect (new? InetSocketAddress(" 127 . 0 . 0 . 1 ",8999)); ?

//? Get the output stream from the connection.

OutputStream? os? =? socket . get output stream(); ?

ObjectOutputStream? oos? =? New? ObjectOutputStream(OS); ?

//? Pass the enumeration value of Friday to the server.

oos.writeObject(WeekDayEnum。 Fri); ?

OOS . close(); ?

OS . close(); ?

socket . close(); ?



//? A server-side program that applies enumeration values received from clients to logical processing.

Parcel? Example. Enumeration. Code; ?

Import? Java . io . *; ?

Import? Java . net . server socket; ?

Import? Java . net . socket; ?

Public? Class? EnumerationServer? {?

Public? Static electricity Invalid? Main (string ...? args)? Throwing? IOException,? ClassNotFoundException? {?

ServerSocket? Server? =? New? server socket(8999); ?

//? Establishing server-side network connection interception

Socket? Socket? =? server . accept(); ?

//? Get the input stream from the connection.

InputStream? Is it? =? socket . getinputstream(); ?

ObjectInputStream? ois? =? New? ObjectInputStream (yes); ?

//? Read the enumeration value passed by the client.

WeekDayEnum? Day? =? (WeekDayEnum)? ois . read object(); ?

//? Compares enumerated objects by value comparison.

What if? (day? ==? Working days enumeration. Fri)? {?

System.out.println("client? Friday? enum? Value? Is it? Same? As? Server "); ?

}? Or what? What if? (day.equals(WeekDayEnum。 Fri)? {?

System.out.println("client? Friday? enum? Value? Is it? Equality? Where to? Server "); ?

}? Or what? {?

System.out.println("client? Friday? enum? Value? Is it? Isn't it? Same? As? Server "); ?


//? Use? Switch? Method to compare enumerated objects.

Switch? (day)? {?

Case? Monday:?

System.out.println("Do? Monday? Work "); ?

Break; ?

Case? Tuesday:?

System.out.println("Do? Tuesday? Work "); ?

Break; ?

Case? Wednesday:

System.out.println("Do? Wednesday? Work "); ?

Break; ?

Case? Thursday:

System.out.println("Do? Thursday? Work "); ?

Break; ?

Case? Fri:?

System.out.println("Do? Friday? Work "); ?

Break; ?

Case? Sat:?

System.out.println("Do? Saturday? Work "); ?

Break; ?

Case? Sun:?

System.out.println("Do? Sunday? Work "); ?

Break; ?


System.out.println("I? No? Do you know? Which one? Is it? Day "); ?

Break; ?


ois . close(); ?

is . close(); ?

socket . close(); ?


} The print result is as follows:

The client Friday enumeration value is the same as the server.

Work on Friday

Through the results of program execution, we can find that in the distributed situation, an enumeration object is generated on both the virtual machines of the client and the server. Even if the Fri enumeration values look the same, if they are compared with the equal sign' = =', there will be inequality. The switch statement compares the values of enumerated objects through the equal method, so when your enumerated objects are complex, you need to be careful about the methods related to the override to prevent errors in the value comparison.

Enumerate related tool classes

In JDK5.0, while adding Enum class, two tool classes, EnumSet and EnumMap, are added, both of which are placed in the java.util package. EnumSet is a high-performance Set interface implementation of enumeration types. All enumeration objects loaded in EnumSet must be of the same type and realized by bit vectors, that is, by a long number. EnumSet supports traversing all values of enumeration types. Back to the date enumeration example above:

enum? WeekDayEnum? {? Mom? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Fri? Sat,? Sun? } You can iterate seven days a week, and the EnumSet class provides a static method range to make the iteration easy to complete:

for(WeekDayEnum? Day? :? EnumSet.range(WeekDayEnum。 Mom? Working days enumeration. Fri)? {?

System.out.println (day); ?

} The print result is as follows:





FriEnumSet also provides many types of secure methods to get subsets, which makes it easy for you to get subsets:

EnumSet & ltWeekDayEnum & gt? Subset? =? EnumSet.of(WeekDayEnum。 Mom? Working days enumeration. wed); ?

For what? (WeekDayEnum? Day? :? Subset)? {?

System.out.println (day);

} The print result is as follows:


Wed is similar to EnumSet, and EnumMap is also a high-performance Map interface implementation, which is used to manage the mapping table with enumeration type as the key and is implemented internally through array. EnumMap combines a rich and secure map interface with fast access to the array. If you want to map enumeration types to values, you should use EnumMap. Please look at the following example:

Listing 5. EnumMap example

//? Define one? EnumMap? Object, the primary key of the mapping table is date enumeration type, and the value is color enumeration type.

Private? Static electricity Map & ltWeekDayEnum,? RainbowColor & gt? Schema? =?

New? EnumMap & ltWeekDayEnum,? RainbowColor & gt(weekdayenum . class); ?

Static {?

//? Draw every day of the week with a rainbow of a certain color.

For what? (int? Me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? WeekDayEnum.values()。 Length; ? i++)? {?

schema . put(weekday enum . values()[I],? rainbow color . values()[I]); ?



System.out.println ("What? Is it? That? Lucky? Color? Today? ”); ?

System.out.println ("Really?" ? +? schema.get(WeekDayEnum。 sat)); When you ask the lucky color of Saturday, you will get blue:

Listing 6. Running result

What's the lucky color today?

It's blue

Concluding remarks

Enum type brings great convenience to JAVA programming, making the control of the program easier and less prone to errors. So when you need to control the program flow, you can think more about whether it can be realized by enum.