Mr. Wang said: "The three famous places of interest in Jinan, Qianfo Mountain, Baotu Spring and Daming Lake, have loud and pleasant names. But in the north, mountains are not hard to find, and water is hard to find. But in Jinan, which lives in the north, there are springs in the city and rivers outside the city, but there must be lakes.
Springs, pools, rivers and lakes are all available, which shows the characteristics and value of Jinan. Only then can I understand that Jinan is extraordinary, not only because there is water, but also because there are so many. "So, my favorite is Daming Lake.
Mr. Wang added: "Of the four seasons in Jinan, only autumn is the best. It is sunny, warm and clear everywhere." ..... Sorry, the topic is spring by Daming Lake, I said autumn by Daming Lake, but who taught Mr. Comte to make a mistake! "It can be seen that Mr. Wang likes autumn in Jinan best.
There is also the novel Daming Lake written by Lao She in the first year after he arrived in Jinan./kloc-0 was burned with the Commercial Press on February 28th. His regrets were repeatedly mentioned, and even his children spared no effort to visit.
If spring water is the soul of Jinan, then Daming Lake is the spirit of Jinan. Jinan people who live by the spring are living leisurely and happily under the care of Yiyi Liu Yang and the nourishment of rain and snow. Time is particularly like a tinkling spring, and every minute is so happy!
Nowadays, the city is like a beauty after plastic surgery, beautiful and beautiful, but the same external beauty always gives people a sense of distance and indifference that keeps people away. The old streets and alleys of Jinan, like the beauty in a deep house, have infinite tenderness like weeping willows and smart and handsome intelligence like spring.
Jinan story, Daming Lake, Qushuiting Street, let you experience a quiet but not lazy, selfless but not confused, clean but not born slow life! Hold a cup of tea, read a good book, listen to a piece of folk art, watch an old movie, or do nothing but stare at the gurgling spring for a while. What kind of Shu Tai is this?