(2)V-shaped pier rigid frame bridge: In order to reduce the peak value of negative bending moment at the pier shoulder, the pier column is made into a V-shaped pier.
(3) Form with tie rods: In order to facilitate cantilever construction and reduce the mid-span bending moment and deflection, the structure with tie rods at both ends can be made, and temporary weights can be pressed at the ends during construction.
(4)T-shaped rigid frame: the upper beam of the bridge-span structure is constructed with balanced cantilever on both sides on the pier. First, a T-shaped cantilever structure is formed. Then two adjacent T-shaped cantilever beams can be connected into a whole through shear hinges or hanging beams with smaller spans, which are called T-shaped rigid frames with hinges or hanging holes.
(5) Continuous rigid frame: If prestressed steel bars and cast-in-place concrete are combined into a whole in the mid-span, it is a continuous rigid frame, also known as continuous rigid frame continuous system, or continuous rigid frame bridge for short.