Guide to bags under the eyes
Fashionable woman Zhang Xiaolin, bags under the eyes are the thing she hates the most, and once they form, they will not only "never give up", but also have a tendency to "exceed their limits" .
Experts believe that not everyone will have bags under the eyes. Heredity is an important factor in the formation of bags under the eyes, and they become more obvious with age. In addition, kidney problems, pregnancy, lack of sleep or fatigue can cause fluid accumulation in the eyes and contribute to the premature formation of bags under the eyes. Beauty consultant LINDA said that bags under the eyes do affect the beauty of the appearance. In addition to being an eyesore, they can also hinder blood circulation in the eyes. The performance of the collagen fibers in the dermal layer will be reduced, and the elasticity will gradually weaken, causing the skin to become loose and wrinkled, aggravating the formation of crow's feet.
Solution: Use light-colored concealer under the swelling and dark concealer on the raised areas to blur the line between raised and depressed areas. However, these two colors must blend together very naturally so that the covering effect will not show any traces. Never apply bright eyeshadow on the bags under your eyes, as this will make them more obvious. If the bags under the eyes are "pathological", that is, the tissue structure has changed, and the bags under the eyes have appeared for a long time and gradually worsened, it is almost futile to try to correct them with cosmetics, which can only cover them up.
TIPS: Eye bags can only be delayed, but difficult to eliminate. Choose an exercise that can relax you, and stick to it, such as yoga. Eat more natural foods and fresh fruits and vegetables, and try dairy products to delay the formation of "bags under the eyes."
Of course, remember to say goodbye to alcohol!