2. Set the general options (in the preset dialog box) Ctrl+ 1.
3. Set "Save File" (in the preset dialog box) Ctrl+2.
4. Set "Display and Cursor" (in the preset dialog box) Ctrl+3.
5. Set the transparent area and color gamut (in the preset dialog box) Ctrl+4.
6. External luminous effect (in the "Effects" dialog box) Ctrl+3
7. Internal luminous effect (in the "Effects" dialog box) Ctrl+4
8. Set Units and Rulers (in the preset dialog box) Ctrl+5.
9. Bevel and Relief Effects (in the Effects dialog box) Ctrl+5
10. Applies the currently selected effect and makes the parameters adjustable (in the effect dialog box).
1 1, CTRL+N- new
12, CTRL+O- open
13, CTRL+ALT+Z- undo in turn (within 20 steps)
14, CTRL+Z- undo step
16, CTRL+S- store
17, CTRL+W- close
18, CTRL+A- select the canvas.
19, CTRL+ALT+W- all closed.
20. Ctrl+Tab-Switch between different document artboards.
2 1, select function
22, ctrl+shift+I- reverse selection
23. Press ctrl to select multiple files and layers at the same time.
24.w: Quick Selection Tool
25, Alt+s+m+e to expand the constituency.
26.Alt+s+m+e+c: narrow down the choice.
27.Alt: reduce the selection area
28.Shift: Select a new constituency.
29.Ctrl+d: release the selection.
30.Ctrl+h: hide the selection.
3 1, Ctrl+alt+ scroll the mouse: move the file left and right.
32.Shift+ scroll mouse: quickly zoom the file.
33. Hold down the Ctrl key and click the layer thumbnail: Load selection.
34. The selected picture can be copied and pasted by CTRL+C/CTRL+V.
35.Ctrl+enter: the path is converted into a selection.
36.Alt+ scroll mouse: move files up and down.
37.Ctrl+ Scroll Mouse: Zoom the file evenly.
38.CTRL+T: Free conversion
39.Esc: Cancel the conversion
40.Ctrl++: Zoom in
4 1, Ctrl+-: zoom out
42.Alt: horizontal and vertical scaling.
43.Ctrl+Shift+Alt: Perspective effect
44.Ctrl+Shift+T: Repeat the last transformation.
45.Ctrl+0: Display with maximum display effect.
46.Ctrl+Shift: Oblique Angle
47.Ctrl: One-point transformation, three-point transformation, and rotation center.
48.Ctrl+alt+0: Canvas shows 100% view effect.