At present, there are basically two ways to lower the tip of the nose. One method is to insert an auxiliary column into the columella when the alar is not too wide, so that the tip of the nose is erected and the alar is reduced without other operations. Therefore, whether it is necessary to reduce the nasal tip must be evaluated and judged after the nasal tip standing operation. The other is alar resection, which is mainly suitable for orientals or blacks. It is a method to reduce the nose when the base of the nose is too wide or the nostrils are too large. When the alar is wide, it is mostly because the alar skin is redundant. We need to cut off the skin under the alar and sew up the incision to narrow the alar, which will make the nostrils look very long.
Suggestion: The skin and soft tissue of patients with severe nasal collapse are sunken upwards. In this case, the operation must be carried out in stages. First separate the nose, move it to the normal position, and then implant the filler. The operation must be strictly disinfected. If there is infection, the filler will die out.
Coagulation function should be checked routinely before operation, and nasal deformity caused by disease should be treated first to eliminate pathogens. People with local nasal infection should also be treated first. It is best to perform surgery after the patient is an adult, because the repair is too early, and the repaired nose may be deformed again after facial development.