On May 22nd, 20 15, Wang Mingnan boarded the train to Chengdu without telling his parents. After the meeting, "Dr. Tian" introduced himself as Tian Jianchuan, a doctor in Chengdu Medical Beauty Clinic. He first checked Wang Mingnan's identity information and saw that he had decided to have an operation. Tian Jianchuan motioned for Wang Mingnan to scratch the perineum, and then issued a written disclaimer saying: "Because of my bilateral testicular injury, I need to have a testicular resection now, and all the consequences will be at my own risk." After leaving a copy of Wang Mingnan's ID card, his testicles were removed. One week after the operation, Wang Mingnan returned to Henan after the stitches were removed.
Since then, Wang Mingnan has rested for a while and the wound has recovered well. I thought the operation plan was perfect, but just three months later, I went to the hospital because of an abdominal pain, and my parents discovered his carefully hidden secret. At this time, Wang Mingnan had to confess to his family what he had done and his inner desire for women.