Special usage

/ ? spe? l; ˋsp? Left/right

[usually used as attributive] special special goods.

He did it as a special favor. He did it as a special favor.

What's your special interest? Do you have any special hobbies?

She is a very special friend. She is a special friend.

[attrib as attribute] specialization; Temporary:

Special train, eg a holiday adventure train, eg a holiday outing train.

* Activities specially arranged for special occasions.

You need a special tool to do that. You need a special tool to do this job.

She has her own unique way of doing things. She has her own way of doing things.

* Newspapers will send special letters to places where important events happen. Newspapers often send special reporters to the scene of important events.

[attrib as attribute]Extra; Extraordinary:

Be very careful. Be very careful about this.

* Why should we give you special treatment? Why should we take special care of you?

He is not particularly concerned about his work. He doesn't work very hard.

& gt special

A special person or thing; Special police, special training, special issue:

An all-night TV special about the election.

The courage to help the regular police force. Special police units have been added to assist the regular police.

2. Big sale (advertising, etc. ):

Coffee is on sale this week. Coffee is on sale this week.

Coffee is on sale this week. Coffee is on sale this week.

College/-l? ST; -Me? St/ professional workers; Expert; (esp an expert):

eye doctor

* Plastic surgeons, plastic surgeons.

Special/-l? ; -Me? / adv

1 intentionally; Specifically:

I came to see you specially. I came to see you specially.

I made this specially for your birthday. I made this specially for your birthday.

2 (especially) exceptionally; In particular; In particular:

I enjoyed the evening very much, but the food was not particularly good.

I had a good time all night, but the food was not very good.

# `Special Division (UK) (Political Security Division of Police Department).

Special police.

Express mail (letter, parcel, etc) ):

If you want this letter to arrive tomorrow, you must use the express mail service.

Special marriage certificate (not limited to the time or place usually specified)

Special defense (law) biased sophistry.

Special schools (schools for disabled children).

Special student (USA) A student who does not take a degree course in an American university.