#define STU_NUM 10 /*Macro defines the number of students*/ p>
struct student /*Define a structure to store the student's student ID, three course grades, total score and average grade*/
char stu_id[ 20]; /*Student ID number;*/
float score[3]; /*Three course scores;*/
float total; /*Total score;*/
float aver; /*average grade;*/
/*sorting is implemented using a function*/
void SortScore(student *stu,int n)
student stud;
for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
for(int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
if(stu[i].total < stu[j] .total)
stud = stu[i];
stu[i] = stu[j];
stu [j] = stud;
int main( )
{< /p>
student stu[STU_NUM]; /*There are 10 elements in the created structure array, which are used to save the relevant information of these 10 people.
/*Enter relevant information of these ten students*/
for(int i = 0; i {< /p> printf("Please enter the student number of the %d student:",i+1); scanf("%s",&stu[i].stu_id);< /p> printf("Enter the math score of the %d student:",i+1); scanf("%f",&stu[i].score[0]) ; printf("Enter the English score of the %d student:",i+1); scanf("%f",&stu[i].score[1 ]); printf("Enter the computer score of the %d student:",i+1); scanf("%f",&stu[i].score [2]); stu[i].total = stu[i].score[0]+stu[i].score[1]+stu[i].score[2];< /p> stu[i].aver = stu[i].total/3; } printf("\n");
/*Output the sorted scores of each student*/
for(i = 0; i < STU_NUM; i++)
printf("Serial number: %d\t",i);
printf("Student number: %s\t ",stu[i].stu_id);
printf("Mathematics: %f\t",stu[i].score[0]);
printf("English :%f\t",stu[i].score[1]);
printf("Computer: %f\t",stu[i].score[2]);
printf("Average score: %f\t",stu[i].aver);
printf("Total score: %f\t",stu[i].total) ;
return 0;
Note: (Explanation of the meaning of the main identifiers in the source program)
#define STU_NUM 10 /*Macro defines the number of students*/
struct student /*Define a structure for Store student ID number, three course scores, total score and average grade*/
char stu_id[20]; /*Student ID number;*/
float score[3]; /*Three course scores;*/
float total; /*Total score;*/
float aver; /*Average score; */