# Contains? & ltconio.h & gt
# Definition? Ryan. 100? /* Maximum array length */
# Definition? elemType? int? /* Element type */
/* Input array */
Invalid? inputArr? (elemType? arr[],? int? len)? {
int? Me;
For what? (I = 0; ? Me & ltlen? i++)
scanf? (" %d ",& amparr[I]);
putchar? (' \ n ');
/* Sort by bubbling ascending order */
/* Parameter Description: */
/*int? Arr[]: sort target array */
/*int? Len: number of elements */
Invalid? bubbleSortAsc? (elemType? arr[],? int? len)? {
elemType? Temperature;
int? Me? j;
For what? (I = 0; ? I< len-1; ? i++)? /* The outer loop controls the sorting times, and the number of len- 1 is len- 1 */
For what? (j = 0; j & ltlen- 1-I; ? j++)? {? /* The number of comparisons for each pass of the inner loop, and the j-th comparison len-j */
What if? (arr[j]? & gt? arr[j+ 1])? {? /* Compare adjacent elements and exchange the reverse order */
Temporary workers? =? arr[j];
arr[j]? =? arr[j+ 1];
arr[j+ 1]? =? Temperature;
/* Print array */
Invalid? printArr? (elemType? arr[],? int? len)? {
int? Me;
For what? (I = 0; ? Me & ltlen? i++)
printf? (" %d\t ",arr[I]);
putchar? (' \ n ');
int? Mainly? (void)? {
elemType? arr[LEN];
elemType? arrod[LEN],? arr even[LEN]; ? /* Store odd and even numbers */?
int? Ryan. Odlum? evenLen
int? Me? j? ,k;
printf? ("Please enter array length:");
scanf? (" %d ",& amplen);
printf? ("Please enter array contents: \ n");
inputArr? (arr,? len);
/* Divide parity first, then sort separately, and finally merge */
For what? (i=0,? j=0,? k = 0; ? Me & ltlen? i++)? {
What if? (arr[i]%2)? {
arrod[j]? =? arr[I];
Or what? {
arrEven[k]? =? arr[I];
Odlum? =? j;
evenLen? =? k;
bubbleSortAsc? (arrOdd,? Odlum);
bubbleSortAsc? (Arvin,? even len);
For what? (k=0,? I = 0; ? k & ltevenLen? k++、? i++)
arr[i]? =? arrEven[k];
For what? (j = 0; ? J< odlum; ? j++、? i++)
arr[i]? =? arr odd[j];
printArr? (arr,len);
putchar? (' \ n ');
getch? (); ? /* Screen Persistence */
Free? (arr);
Return? 0;
} running results
Note: The input array part is omitted from the running results.