You want to find prime numbers and prime numbers between 2 and 100, right? Say some questions.
1. On the yellow line, you wrote for(j = 2;; j & lt= m; J++), but the type of m is double. You know, in a computer, there will be an error in the double type, that is, if m is 3, it may actually be 2.99999 or 3.00000 1 in a computer, then using it to compare the size with j (an integer) will cause problems in the control loop. It is suggested to change the type of m to int, and then change m=sqrt(i) to m=round(sqrt(i)), where round is a rounding function.
2. In the two yellow lines below, if (I% j = = 0) t =1; Break; There, they should be nested with braces, that is, if (I% j = = 0) {t =1; Break; }, otherwise it will lead to odd output, as to why you can think about it.
3. Didn't you output the value of k at last? Don't output or forget it?
Everything else should be fine. Ask me if I'm right.
# include & ltcstdio & gt
# include & ltmath.h & gt
int? main(){
int? I,j,k=0,t=0,m;
for(I = 2; I<= 100; i++){
t = 0;
m = round(sqrt(I));
for(j = 2; j & lt= m; j++){
t = 1;
printf("%5d ",I);
If (k%5==0)
printf(" \ n ");
Return? 0;