Divisibility is quotient and remainder is remainder, which is the most essential difference between them. It should be noted that the% remainder operator in C language can only operate integer data objects.
If two integer variables are divided, such as 10/3, the result is 3 instead of 3.3333; Another example is 10/4, and its result in C is 2, not 2.5. That is to say, if the result of integer variable division is decimal from a mathematical point of view, whether it can be rounded or not, C will discard the part after the decimal point.
Other calculation functions in c language.
If ch is a number ('0'-'9'), Int isdigit(int ch) returns a non-zero value, otherwise it returns 0.
If ch is a printable character (excluding spaces) (0x2 1-0x7E), Int isgraph(int ch) returns a non-zero value, otherwise it returns 0.
If ch is lowercase ('a'-'z'), Int islower(int ch) returns a non-zero value, otherwise it returns 0.
Double fabs(double x) returns the absolute value of the double-precision parameter x.
Long labs(long n) returns the absolute value of the long integer parameter n.
Double e xp(double x) returns the value of the exponential function ex.