госслуаfщий, a civil servant.
I have a barbecue.
I am an animal beautician.
Air freshener.
деньоткрытойприёмки (leaders) public reception day.
горнист Drink beer and blow into the bottle.
диалоговоеокно dialogue window.
диллер salesman
Dow Jones index.
I'm body double.
думающийтанк think tank.
адоутоляющий to quench your thirst.
илмассив residential community
I have lost weight.
The computer crashed.
зелёнка camouflage suit
аренныеакты Explosive news (scandal).
I know. I know-I know.
Impeach импичмент (motion of no confidence)
кабелноеелевидениее cable TV, closed-circuit TV.
картасакта website search.
кастинг Model selection (beauty contest)
каунтдаун countdown.
качалка Gym (fitness equipment)
каша used market
кекс password box
кешью cashew nuts
I have a pickle.
I am a beautiful girl.
кликнут Move the mouse.
Television short films and advertisements
10. 85 1 billion dollars
липоаспирация liposuction.
литиевоионаябатаре lithium battery.
I don't want to wrinkle.
I want to log in.
I'm a mahjong player.
малоградусныййййййййййййййййй 108
ма (computer) motherboard
мара deposit.
маскотка mascot.
Chinese mainland материковыйкитай.
I have a small bottle of white wine.
местостыковки (computer) interface.
микроволноваяпеч10/000 microwave oven.
милосерднаясмерт10/000 euthanasia.
мисс-вселенная Miss World.
I have a cell phone.
могилник beach bath.
I have this gift.
монта decoration
морг residence
мыло email address
мыльнаяопера soap opera.
мэйл Post
I have a brain teaser.
I sent an email.
намылиться slipped away.
параплан hot air balloon.
перваяледи First lady.
первоелицо first.
первыйэкран (movie) premiered.
периодвозмуания puberty.
петьивьём Real singing (not lip-synching)
пиар (Movable) Packaging
пиар image packer
пилинг Beauty (Mask/Skin Graft)
пит-стоп bus station
I have a pizza.
I'm the one who plagiarized.
плекер Walkman
пограданке (soldiers) wear casual clothes.
полуоициальный semi-official.
полуабрикаты semi-finished products.
Descendants of потомки
православнаяцерков 10000 Orthodox Church
предатьгласностичего make it public.
пресс-центр News Center
привилегия privilege.
Producer продюсер
прозрачнос109001000 Transparency
пропонет supporters (pro? )
разархивация decompression.
разборка ? Fix it?
разгрузка download.
Car rally.
ралли-рекд cross-country race
раскрутит 1 1000 hype.
растамоит 1 1000.
регенерацияэнергии renewable energy.
резкирспад plunged.
реконструктивная plastic surgery.
реераты Summary and overview
робо 10900 robot
ров, разделяющийразные.
I will be there all day.
I'm русовец Russian communication.
рыноктруда labor market
I know, understand and be good at it.
сакт (through) online contact.
самый-самый (to some extent) is the best and most outstanding.
санкабина (toilet with toilet and bathroom)
сверхмодник The most fashionable person.
сверхрентабельныййййййййййййй 108
светореклама light box advertisement.
сдерат 1 1000 containment.
network administrator
сервер (computer) server
I'm a waiter.
сериал TV series
сидетвинтернете online.
синхроныйперевод simultaneous interpretation.
сканирова1090010/000 scanning.
скоростнаяавтострада expressway.
I have scotch tape.
слабн loser (sick seedling)
Informal talks
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Russian national proficiency test is a national standardized test to test the Russian level of non-Russian people, which is divided into the most elementary Russian proficiency test, elementary Russian proficiency test and Russian 1 ~ 4 proficiency test. It is mainly aimed at people from non-Russian countries who are willing to take the Russian test, and its nature is equivalent to IELTS, TOEFL and HSK in China.