There was a slight burning sensation with slight swelling about 1~3 days after treatment. After swelling, a micro-scab is formed, which falls off in 5~7 days, and the newly formed skin is pale pink. The recovery period is 7 ~ 10 days. Generally, it needs multiple treatments (3~5 times) with an interval of 1~2 months.
In addition, after dot matrix laser processing, the following matters should be noted:
1. After treatment, don't touch water in the treatment area, don't rub it, and avoid spicy food, cigarettes and alcohol before the scab falls off. In recent days, fast dark foods such as coffee and cola, and let the scab fall off on its own, not forcibly.
2. Don't take part in strenuous exercise before the scab falls off, so as to avoid infection after sweating.