2.Adobe Photoshop software is an image processing software developed and published by Adobe Systems. It mainly deals with digital images composed of pixels, and its numerous editing and drawing tools can effectively edit pictures. It is recognized as the most powerful image processing software, involving images, graphics, text, video, publishing and other aspects.
3. There are many image processing softwares. Using image processing software (including Photoshop software) to process images is usually called ps images. Ps here refers to using image processing software to process images, not Photoshop software.
4. There are many other meaning in 4.ps, mainly including
PS Sony game console;
PS On the BBS, you can often see the word "PS:" at the end, indicating remarks.
Packet switching technology;
Short for packet switching;
PS is the abbreviation of Pacific Southwest Airlines, which refers to Pacific Southwest Airlines.
Ps is powershell abbreviation, windows scripting language;
Ps is the abbreviation of Public Service and public enterprise;
Ps is the abbreviation of Performance Standard, performance standard;
Permanent Secretary [United Kingdom];
British pharmaceutical society;
Language Institute [English];
Physical science Physical science;
Sentinel ship (radar) sentinel ship;
Planning research plan research;
Plastic surgery;
Point of turnout;
Polarization acoustics;
Polystyrene polystyrene;
Power supply;
Press secretary press secretary;
Pressure switch pressure switch;
Prestress prestress;
Process specification operation instructions;
Process storage operation [working] memory;
Procurement specification; procurement specification;
Product standard product standard (NBS);
Programming system programming system;
Propellant supply;
Proton synchrotron;
Public safety is safe;
Cable switch;
Pulse shaper; Pulse forming circuit and so on.