#ifndef __CNODE_H__
# Definition __CNODE_H__
# include & ltiostream & gt
Use namespace std
Structure ST data//date of birth structure
int m _ nYear
int m _ nMonth
int m _ nDay
Structural stress results//Five-course hierarchical structure
double m _ d subject _ 1; //Change the grade name yourself
double m _ d subject _ 2;
double m _ d subject _ 3;
double m _ d subject _ 4;
double m _ d subject _ 5;
Struct stStudent // declares the structure of student information.
String m _ strNumber// student ID
The name of the string m _ strName//
Char m _ chSex// gender
Struct stData m _ stData// Date of birth
String m _ strAppearance///political views
Struct stResult m _ stResult// Five course scores
Typedef class CNode
struct stStudent m _ stStudent
CNode * m _ Next
CNode(); //constructor
~ CNode(); //Destructor
void SetNodeData(); //Set the function members of the node content
ST student GetNodeData(); //Get the function members of the node content.
void SetNodeNext(CNode * _ Next); //Set the function member of the next pointer of the node.
void ShowNodeData(); //Function members that output node contents
CNode * GetNodeNext(); //Get the function member of the next pointer of the node.
} LinkNode
//class CLinkList
#ifndef __CLINKLIST_H__
#define __CLINKLIST_H__
# contains "CNode.h"
Typedef class CLinkList
The head pointer of LinkNode * m _ Head// linked list.
The head node of LinkNode m _ Node// linked list.
clink list(); //constructor
~ clink list(); //Destructor
void create list(); //Initialize the function members of the linked list
LinkNode * GetListNode(int _ nIndex); //Find the member function of the specified bit node by position.
void insert list(int _ nIndex); //Insert the member function of the node.
void delete list(int _ nIndex); //Delete the member function of a node.
LinkNode * GetHeadList(); //Get the member function of the head pointer
void SetListData(int _ nIndex); //Set the member function of the node value in the linked list.
void ShowListData(int _ nIndex); //This is a function member of a node value in the real linked list.
void DestroyList(int _ nIndex); //Destroy the member function of the linked list after a certain position.
void ShowList(); //Displays the member functions of the linked list.
} Linked list;
//class CLinkList
# contains "CLinkList.h"
# contains "CNode.h"
Cout & lt& lt "This is a constructor"
M _ Head = & ampm _ Node// The head pointer of the linked list points to the head node.
M _ node. SetNodeNext(NULL); //Set the next pointer of the head node to NULL.
Cout & lt& lt "This is a destructor"
Void CLinkList::CreateList() // Create a linked list by appending backward, and enter 0 to exit.
int nTemp = 0; //Define a temporary variable to mark the end of the program.
Cout & lt& lt "Welcome to create a linked list!" & lt& ltendl
CNode * pTemp = NULL// Defines a temporary node pointer for adding a new node.
CNode * pNode = m _ Head// Define a tag pointer, and first call it to point to the head node.
while( 1)
PTemp = new LinkNode
Cout & lt& lt "Please enter the content of the next node!" & lt& ltendl
pTemp-& gt; SetNodeData(); //Set the contents of the nodes in the linked list.
Cout & lt& lt "If you want to continue to enter the information of the next student, please enter 1, otherwise enter 0" < < endl
CIN & gt; & gtnTemp
if ('0' == nTemp)
pNode-& gt; SetNodeNext(pTemp); //Let Next at the end of the chain point to the newly created node.
PNode = pTemp// Move the closing element back.
Cout & lt& lt "End of creating linked list"
LinkNode * clink list::GetListNode(int _ nIndex)
Cout & lt& lt "This is a member function to find the specified node by location"
link node * pNode = m _ Head-& gt; GetNodeNext(); //Define a temporary node pointer to initialize the node pointing to the head.
int Temp = 0; //Define a temporary variable to mark the number of selected nodes.
If(- 1 == _nIndex) // returns the head node (that is, the head pointer).
Return m _ Head
if(_ nIndex & lt; -1)/_ nindex control conditions
Cout & lt& lt "You are in the wrong position!" & lt& ltendl
Returns 0;
And (pNode! = empty)
if(_nIndex == Temp)
Return to pNode
pNode = pNode-& gt; GetNodeNext(); //The temporary node moves backward.
Returns pNode// NULL if the node cannot be found.
void clink list::ShowListData(int _ nIndex);
Voidclinklist:: InsertList (int _ nindex)//Insert the function member of the node.
Cout & lt& lt "This is the member function of the inserted node"
LinkNode * pNode = GetListNode(_ nIndex- 1); //Define a pointer to the node class, pointing to the previous pointer where you want to insert it.
LinkNode* pTemp = new CNode// Defines a temporary node pointer for adding a new node.
pTemp-& gt; SetNodeData(); //Set the content of the inserted node.
pTemp-& gt; SetNodeNext(pNode-& gt; GetNodeNext());
pNode-& gt; SetNodeNext(pTemp);
void clink list::delete list(int _ nIndex)
Cout & lt& lt "This is a member function to delete nodes"
LinkNode * pNode = GetListNode(_ nIndex- 1); //Define a pointer to the node class, pointing to the previous pointer to the location to be deleted.
LinkNode * pTemp = NULL// Defines a temporary node pointer to the node to be deleted.
pTemp = pNode-& gt; GetNodeNext(); //Point pTemp to the node to be deleted.
pNode-& gt; SetNodeNext(pTemp-& gt; GetNodeNext()); //Point the pNode to the node after the node to be deleted.
Delete pTemp// Delete node
pTemp = NULL
LinkNode * clink list::GetHeadList()
Cout & lt& lt "This is a member function that gets the head pointer."
Return m _ Head
void clink list::SetListData(int _ nIndex)
Cout & lt& lt "This is a member function that sets the values of nodes in the linked list."
CNode * pNode = GetListNode(_ nIndex); //Defines a pointer to the node class, pointing to the node where the content is to be modified.
pNode-& gt; SetNodeData(); //Modify the content
void clink list::ShowListData(int _ nIndex)
Cout & lt& lt "This is a member function that displays the values of nodes in the linked list"
CNode * pNode = GetListNode(_ nIndex); //Defines a pointer to the node class, pointing to the node where the content is to be obtained.
pNode-& gt; show nodedata(); //Returns the contents of the node at the required position.
void clink list::DestroyList(int _ nIndex)
Cout & lt& lt "This is the member function of the linked list after it is destroyed in a certain position"
LinkNode * pTemp = GetListNode(_ nIndex- 1); //Define a node pointer to the node before the location to be destroyed.
link node * pNode = pTemp-& gt; GetNodeNext(); //Define a node pointer to the node of the location to be destroyed.
while(pTemp-& gt; GetNodeNext()! = NULL) // End condition or initial condition of the destruction operation
pTemp-& gt; SetNodeNext(pNode-& gt; GetNodeNext()); //Point the next node of the previous node at the location to be destroyed to the next node at the location to be destroyed.
Delete pNode// Destroy node
pNode = pTemp-& gt; GetNodeNext(); //The node that redirects the pNode to the location to be destroyed.
void CLinkList::ShowList()
Cout & lt& lt "This is a member function that displays a linked list"
int nTemp = 0; //Define a temporary integer variable to control the number of inputs.
link node * pTemp = m _ Head-& gt; GetNodeNext(); //Defines a node class pointer to a node with bit 0.
if(NULL == pTemp)
Cout & lt& lt "This is an empty chain"
while(pTemp! = empty)
pTemp-& gt; show nodedata();
++ nTemp;
if(0 = = nTemp % 5 & amp; & ampnTemp! = 0) // Control that only five nodes can be output per line.
cout & lt& ltendl
pTemp = pTemp-& gt; GetNodeNext();
//class CNode
# contains "CNode.h"
CNode::CNode() // constructor
//m _ ST student = { 0 };
m _ Next = NULL
CNode::~CNode() // destructor
void CNode::SetNodeData()
char * p number = new char[30]; //A temporary variable used to receive a string.
char * pName = new char[30];
char * pAppearance = new char[30];
Cout & lt& lt "Student ID:"
CIN & gt; & gtpNumber
m _ ST student . m _ str number = p number;
Cout & lt& lt "Name:"
CIN & gt; & gtpName
m _ stStudent.m _ strName = pName
Cout & lt& lt "Gender:"
CIN & gt; & gtm _ ST student . m _ CHS ex;
Cout & lt& lt "Date of birth:"
cout & lt& lt" m _ stData.m _ nYear " & lt& ltendl
CIN & gt; & gtm _ ST student . m _ stdata . m _ Nye ar;
cout & lt& lt" m _ stData.m _ nMonth " & lt& ltendl
CIN & gt; & gtm _ ST student . m _ stdata . m _ n month;
cout & lt& lt" m _ stData.m _ nDay " & lt& ltendl
CIN & gt; & gtm _ ST student . m _ stdata . m _ nDay;
Cout & lt& lt "Political characteristics:"
CIN & gt; & gtpAppearance
m _ ST student . m _ strap pearance = pap pearance;
Cout & lt& lt "Scores of five courses:"
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 1:" & lt; & ltendl
CIN & gt; & gtm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 1;
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 2:" & lt; & ltendl
CIN & gt; & gtm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 2;
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 3:" & lt; & ltendl
CIN & gt; & gtm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 3;
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 4:" & lt; & ltendl
CIN & gt; & gtm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 4;
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 5:" & lt; & ltendl
CIN & gt; & gtm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 5;
Delete [] p number; //Free memory
PNumber = NULL// pointer is empty.
Delete [] pname; //Free memory
pName = NULL
Delete [] page appearance; //Free memory
pAppearance = NULL
Ststudentcnode:: getnodedata ()//Returns the node content (that is, student information).
Return to m _ stStudent
void CNode::SetNodeNext(CNode * _ Next)
m _ Next = _ Next
void CNode::ShowNodeData()
const char * p number = m _ ST student . m _ strnumber . c _ str(); //A temporary variable used to receive a string.
const char * pName = m _ ST student . m _ strnumber . c _ str();
const char * pAppearance = m _ ST student . m _ strap pearance . c _ str();
Cout & lt& lt "Student ID:"
Cout & lt& lt "Date of birth:"
Cout & lt& lt "Political characteristics:"
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 1:" & lt; & ltm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 1 & lt; & ltendl
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 2:" & lt; & ltm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 2 & lt; & ltendl
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 3:" & lt; & ltm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 3 & lt; & ltendl
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 4:" & lt; & ltm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 4 & lt; & ltendl
cout & lt& lt" m _ d subject _ 5:" & lt; & ltm _ ST student . m _ stresult . m _ d subject _ 5 & lt; & ltendl
CNode* CNode::GetNodeNext()
Return to m _ Next
# contains "CLinkList.h"
# contains "CNode.h"
Void text (); //Test function declaration
int main()
Cout & lt& lt "This is the function of encouragement"
Returns 0;
Invalid text ()
Cout & lt& lt "This is a test function"
LinkList* pList = new linked list; //Create a memory linked list object
Cout & lt& lt"- Create list-"< & ltendl
pList->; create list(); //Initialize the function members of the linked list
pList->; ShowList();
cout & lt& ltendl
cout & lt& lt"-GetListNode-" & lt; & ltendl
LinkNode * pNode = NULL// Defines a temporary node class pointer to detect the members of the lookup function.
pNode = pList-& gt; GetListNode(3); //Test of finding the member function of the specified bit node by position.
Intermediate frequency (pNode)
Cout & lt& lt "The specified node was found by searching by location"
Cout & lt& lt Sorry, search by location did not find the specified bit node.
cout & lt& ltendl
Cout & lt& lt"- Insert list-"< & ltendl
pList->; insert list(0); //Test the member function of the inserted node.
pList->; ShowList();
cout & lt& ltendl
Cout & lt& lt"- Delete list-"< & ltendl
pList->; Delete list (0); //Delete the test of the member function of a node.
pList->; ShowList();
cout & lt& ltendl
cout & lt& lt"-GetHeadList-" & lt; & ltendl
pNode = NULL
pNode = pList-& gt; GetHeadList(); //Get the test of the member function of the head pointer
Intermediate frequency (pNode)
Cout & lt& lt "Head pointer returned"
Cout & lt& lt Sorry, the head pointer is empty.
cout & lt& ltendl
cout & lt& lt"-GetHeadList-" & lt; & ltendl
pList->; SetListData(3); //Test the member function that sets the node value in the linked list.
pList->; ShowList();
cout & lt& ltendl
cout & lt& lt"-getlist data-" & lt; & ltendl
cout & lt& lt" pList->; showlist data(3)= ";
pList->; showlist data(3); //Test the member function that gets the node value in the chain.
cout & lt& ltendl
cout & lt& lt"-destroy list(3)-" & lt; & ltendl
pList->; destroy list(3); //Test the member function of the linked list after destroying the third position.
pList->; ShowList();
cout & lt& ltendl
cout & lt& lt"-destroy list(0)-" & lt; & ltendl
pList->; DestroyList(0); //Test the member function of the linked list after destroying the zero position.
pList->; ShowList();
cout & lt& ltendl
Delete pList// Free up memory
PList = NULL// pointer is empty.
You ask too many questions. You didn't look carefully. I'll give you the homework I wrote for others. I've written it all. If there is any problem with the program, you can leave me a message.