If you feel that the text length is not enough, you can choose:
The maximum length of 1 and MEDIUMTEXT is16,777,215.
2. The maximum length of 2.LONGTEXT is 4,294,967,295.
How to use:
Text in mysql corresponds to clob in oracle, and it is also divided into Tinytext, Text, MediumText and Long Text, all of which represent data length types.
Grammar: [UNSIGNED] mediutext
TINYTEXT: 256 bytes
Text: 65,535 bytes = > about 64kb.
Mediumtext:16,777,215 bytes = > about 16MB.
Extended data:
Fields such as text need to be used carefully, and multiple text fields will report errors. Too large a row size means too many rows.
Modification method:
1. First, query the value of the next parameter:
mysql & gtSELECT @ @ global . max _ sort _ length;
2. Then set this value: (fill in the number as needed)
mysql & gtSET GLOBAL max _ sort _ length = 2048?
Only the first max_sort_length bytes of the column are used for sorting. The default value of max_sort_length is1024; You can use the–-max _ sort _ length option to change this value when you start the mysqld server.
The difference between text and char varchar blob:
Char: Fixed length, with a maximum of 255 characters.
Varchar: variable length, up to 65,535 characters (single column and whole line are acceptable).
Text: a large object with variable length and a character set, which is sorted and checked according to the character set, regardless of case.
Blob: A large binary object with variable length, no character set and case sensitivity.