If women have no breasts or have flat breasts, they will lose their femininity. Therefore, breast augmentation surgery has become one of the most popular plastic surgeries. As more and more people undergo breast augmentation surgery, many people begin to inquire about how to properly perform post-breast augmentation care, including dietary precautions.
So what is good to eat after surgery and what should not be eaten? Read below:
You cannot eat spicy foods after surgery, as these foods are likely to cause postoperative infections, which will make the recovery period longer and also cause pain. Affect the effect of surgery; eat more protein-rich foods, such foods will speed up the recovery from surgery, such as eggs. In addition, you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat more foods with high sugar content, such as sugar cane, apples, etc.
In addition to paying attention to what not to eat after breast augmentation, the recipient should also take care of other aspects of postoperative care. This is because breast augmentation surgery is very successful, and whether the effect is satisfactory or not is also a matter of concern. impact on postoperative care.
What should you pay attention to after breast augmentation:
1. Avoid lifting your upper limbs after surgery. If necessary, bandage the upper part of the chest. Avoid lifting heavy objects or lifting heights within one month after surgery. Keep your arms raised and avoid steam baths and swimming for two weeks. Strenuous exercise can only be performed two weeks after surgery.
2. Take an appropriate amount of vitamin E after breast augmentation surgery. If the wound is red and swollen or has a small amount of exudate, or the skin is hard, physical therapy can be performed.
3. In the first month after surgery, you should wear either a well-fitting soft bra or a positioning bra according to the doctor's instructions, or do not wear a bra to allow the breast tissue to form naturally. Sexual intercourse should be avoided for two weeks after surgery to avoid crushing the breasts.
4. If you are planning to become pregnant, it is best to wait six months after the surgery and wait until the breast shape has stabilized before starting. Breast augmentation surgery generally does not affect the ability to breastfeed.
5. Breast massage begins one week after the operation. The method is to push the breasts upward, inward and outward as much as possible, hold the position for ten seconds, and do the left and right breasts for five minutes each. Twice in the morning and evening in the first three months. Start once a night in the fourth month and continue for half a year.
6. Post-operative wound scars will harden, bulge and become red in the first three months after surgery. However, most of them will fade to inconspicuousness after about half a year. trace.
According to the above method, it will be more conducive to recovery after breast augmentation. You can also ask any other questions.