1, string connector:
s = " 123 " & amp; “abc”
Then the value of s is "123abc"
2. Long qualifier:
Dim k &
be qualified for sth
Dim k As Long
3, hexadecimal or octal number leading:
Printing & ampH3EF7
& ampH3EF7 is the hexadecimal number of 16.
Printing & ampO542
& ampO542 is an octal number.
= also has two different meanings:
1, assignment command:
a = 123
This means that the value of variable A is set to 123.
2. Logical comparison operator:
If a = b, then
What if A equals B?
By the way, when you say VB, do you mean VB6 or VB.NET? If it's VB.NET, then
A&b is equivalent to a = a &;; b
If it is VB6, then:
a & amp= b
VB will first define a long integer variable A, and then make its value equal to the variable B..