byte[]mid bytes = isostring . getbytes(" UTF8 ");
//encoding UTF8
byte[]ISO ret = SRT 2 . getbytes(" ISO-8859- 1 ");
//ISO-8859- 1 code.
Where ISO-8859- 1 is a single-byte code.
2.byte[] is converted into a string
String ISO String = new String(bytes," ISO-8859- 1 ");
String srt2 = new string (middle byte, "UTF-8");
In network transmission or other applications, there is often the same middleware, assuming it is a string type. Therefore, it is necessary to convert other types of data into middleware types.
When a string is transmitted on the network, such as socket, it needs to be converted into byte[] type. If different codes are used in this process, unexpected problems may occur, such as garbled codes.
Here's an example:
When we use socket to transmit string data, we often use UTF-8 encoding, which can avoid a problem of "Chinese garbled code".
String sendString= "send data";
byte[] sendBytes= sendString。 getBytes(" UTF8 ");
..... socket send
Receiving end:
String recString = new string (sendBytes, "UTF-8");
However, such problems often occur here. In other words, the data you want to send is of type byte[].
If UTF-8 encoding is used to convert to middleware string type, there will be problems.
For example:
byte[] bytes = new byte[] { 50,0,- 1,28,-24 };
String sendString = new string (bytes, "UTF-8");
byte[] sendBytes= sendString。 getBytes(" UTF8 ");
Then send it.
Reverse conversion on acceptance
String recString = new string (sendBytes, "UTF-8");
byte[]my bytes = isostring . getbytes(" UTF8 ");
At this point, the data in Mybytes will be [50,0,-17, -65, -67,28,-17, -65, -67].
Therefore, it is necessary to adopt single-byte coding for conversion.
String sendString = new string (bytes, "UTF-8"); Change it to string sendstring = new string (bytes, "ISO-8859-1");
byte[]my bytes = isostring . getbytes(" UTF8 "); Change it to byte [] mybytes = isostring.getbytes ("ISO-8859-1");
In this way, the required bytes are recovered.