How to protect the rights of fake goods online in Guangzhou?
I learned from some shopping websites that if consumers find fake goods, they can ask for a "7-day refund without reason" first. If you don't succeed, you can directly find a shopping website to initiate a claim and let the website find a merchant to settle the account. In short, consumers should resolutely complain, let the website punish the seller who refuses to provide after-sales service, and at the same time avoid the cumbersome procedures in the refund process and transfer the risk to the website. For example, according to the relevant regulations of Taobao, if a consumer buys goods in any store on Taobao, and after receiving the goods, he finds that the goods do not match the buyer's description or have quality problems, and the seller does not cooperate with the after-sales service, the consumer can initiate a complaint through the rights protection platform, and Taobao will make compensation after verification, and some goods can also be "fake one loses three". Secondly, consumers should ask the seller for proof. Those fake businesses often ask buyers to inspect the goods. According to the new regulations issued by some shopping websites this year, consumers don't have to worry about the difficulty of proof in the future. As long as they complain to the shopping website, the website will compensate the consumer for the loss at the first time, and then verify the evidence with the seller to prevent the consumer from being delayed because of the problem of proof. But remind consumers to ask for and keep the transaction voucher when trading. ?