According to the clinical manifestations and X-ray films, Wassel divided the thumb compound deformity into seven types, the general type of thumb compound deformity is relatively fixed, while the IV-D thumb compound deformity, commonly known as crab-clamp thumb compound deformity, is relatively complicated to treat, and there are many schemes, because if the IV-D thumb compound deformity is simply sutured, it will appear Z-shaped or S-shaped deformity. As the child grows up, the deformity will become more and more serious.
The orthopedic focus of this kind of compound thumb is to give consideration to both function and appearance, avoid too many surgical incisions and lengthy surgical operations, find the key points of deformity, avoid secondary deformity after operation, and minimize the possibility of secondary operation. After years of experience, we have developed a reliable and effective treatment scheme-thumb multi-finger reconstruction.
There are two key points in the reconstruction of complex thumb deformity: one is open osteotomy, which puts the thumb phalanges with different lines of force on the same good line of force; The second is soft tissue balance, reconstruction of tendon anchor, joint capsule and lateral collateral ligament contraction. Although the scope of operation is very small, it involves multi-layer structure, which requires fine surgery to reconstruct the thumb with satisfactory function and appearance.
About six weeks after thumb multi-finger reconstruction, after fracture healing, wound healing and internal fixation removal, the functional exercise of grasping, pinching, grasping and grasping should be started. At the same time, in order to prevent delayed postoperative lateral deviation, children also need to wear night braces. Long-term follow-up found that as long as doctors, parents and children cooperate well, the surgical effect will be very ideal.