It was refreshing to have a cool breeze in the morning, but within ten minutes, the temperature rose rapidly, and the willow trees by the lake hung their heads listlessly, as if begging for water from the lake. The flowers on the grass have withered, and the magpies on the trees have fallen in the shade to enjoy the cool. On the lawn, a cat and an otter lie proudly behind a small tree. Looking at the building in the distance, it is hazy, as if covered with a layer of white gauze. The golden sun shines on the water, and the breeze is sparkling, which is a bit dazzling around seven o'clock, not cold.
At noon, when the sun is sunniest, the asphalt road is almost melting. From a distance, it seems that there is the kind of hot air when the stove burns. The naughty dog at home also found a cool place to sleep.
It was so hot that I went to the grocery store to buy ice cream, which was only more than 50 meters away from home. I bought ice cream and ran back, but the ice cream was already soft when I got home.
My family lives on the first floor, and there are many big trees behind. Usually, it's cool at home. However, these days, my house, which could have been called a refrigerator, has now become an oven, so we have to take out the electric fan that has not been used for many years, and the wind blown out by the fan is also hot.
I really want to have an air conditioner, but the gas produced by air conditioner will make it hotter in summer, so I suggest you use less air conditioner so that it won't be so hot in summer.