Liu Hua, a doctor in the Tang Dynasty, was a man of integrity and was well-known in both the government and the public. On the way to Luzhou, passing through Yuzhou, an official's son came to visit. Young people bring their own exercises, and respectfully ask Liu's adult for advice. Liu Zhu read it carefully and applauded again and again, hoping that the young man would make persistent efforts and bring his works at any time. The young man went back happily. Dr. Liu's son happened to be beside him. He asked his father calmly, "what that child wrote is nothing." How can you praise him? " Dr. Liu said: "There have been many changes in Bashu area in recent years, and gentry have risen. Officials are not like officials, and people are not like people. It is not easy for this young man to concentrate on writing and be kind. As long as you follow the temptation and let him persist, there will be one more serious person and one less grass thief in this world. "
What Dr. Liu said is really scary. If the young man meets an upright and self-righteous guy, he may give up on himself and change his life path. In this world, there are really some people who like to violently attack other people's mistakes in order to be immune to themselves, and prove their innocence and correctness through other people's mistakes. In this process, he will not consider others pushing the other side. Such people are more terrible than idlers. Therefore, you can choose to be a good person, but you must first learn to be kind to others.